Monday, May 17, 2010

Need help novice gardener?

I love pretty flowers but I Dont exactly have a green thumb. Anyway I would like to grow pretty flowers in my very small garden. I live in a tropical country, any suggestions what flowers should I grow.Aside from watering them what's the best way to care for them to have great buds and blooms. Thanks so much in advance :)

Need help novice gardener?
Most pretty flowers love full sun (at least 6 hours per day), so if you have that it's easy, but there are some pretty flowers that like shade or part shade too. If you have space, a frangipani tree does really well in tropical climates. Start off with preparing your soil. Flowers love soil that has lots of organic matter in it like compost, mixed with manure (horse, cow), and after you've dug that all together, cover it with a layer of mulch (after you've planted your flowers). This stops the soil from drying out and slowly releases nutrients into the soil. I live in a subtopical area and my roses are doing really well. Stay away from most bulbs (like tulips, daffodils, jonquil etc), they don't work well, but lillies and oriental lilies do, so does crinum, hippeastrum, If you have a fence, you can plant a creeping flowering plant up it like jasmin, bouganvillea or Allamanda (pink or yellow flowers). Azaleas do well in part-sun. If you have a fair bit of shade, you can grow tropical orchids on your trees or strap them to boards to grown on a fence or wall (theylike 75% shade). Aechmea, Ameria, Begonia, Clivia, Coropsis (looks like a sunflower - actually, sunflowers would do well too), Every two to four weeks, water with a liquid seaweed fertilizer. This keeps them healthy and flowering well. Check out the links below and talk to someone at a local nursery, they should have a good idea of what grows well in your area too. You are going to love gardening. It is so rewarding.
Reply:Don't ever, ever, ever use miracle gro. It's like crack cocaine for plants. It seems to make them happy but the high is short lived and they don't get proper nutrition from the soil (big hint: HEALTHY SOIL) in a consitant even manner. If you are growning in tiny space or containers miracle gro has the petroleum derived NPK suspended in salt that over a few seasons will actually make your soil toxic (this is a huge problem in the "miraculous" modern agricultural methods as well). You want your soil like chocolate cake and soil is very much alive. This type of soil will give you many blooms and hold water like a fresh moist sponge.

As to which types of flowers...well I live in TX so I'm just barely able to grow tropicals. I bought a eucalyptus-- but it will probably be a winter house plant.

My suggestions: 1. Hit the library and gorge on ideas and pictures to get a feel for what you want 2) pull your car or bike or mule...whatever to a screeching halt and pound on someone's door when you see a plant you like......then "politely ask the neighbor".

Happy Gardening!!!!
Reply:you can put good fertalizers and soil. as they grow make sure the insects dont get or eat them. its possible. one of my plants got uprooted because of some can plant anything but at the right time depending on the seed
Reply:Miracle Grow fertilizer will help them look their best. You need to describe your climate.Hibiscus is a tropical flower that is gorgeous.Maybe ferns would work too. I'm from Ohio so I'm not exactly sure.
Reply:Miracle grow works the best. It depends on how much sun/shade you get in your garden. When you buy flowers it will tell you if it needs full sun or sun/shade. Just make sure you pull off the dead blooms to keep the new ones coming in so it will bloom for a while.

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