Thursday, May 20, 2010

Is being called exotic a good thing?

I always thought it was like being called a animal. I hate it when people say I look exotic, it makes me feel different. Like I am sexy, but not beauitful. I think it is not good to be called exotic.

here is what it means-


1. of foreign origin or character; not native; introduced from abroad, but not fully naturalized or acclimatized: exotic foods; exotic plants.

2. strikingly unusual or strange in effect or appearance: an exotic hairstyle.

3. of a uniquely new or experimental nature: exotic weapons.

4. of, pertaining to, or involving stripteasing: the exotic clubs where strippers are featured.


5. something that is exotic: The flower show included several tropical exotics with showy blooms.

6. an exotic dancer; stripper.

Is being called exotic a good thing?
being called exotic is NOT a good thing. It defines someone as different or "other" or not like you. It shows that you are not interested in that person as an individual but as their "otherness".
Reply:I don't think people mean to insult you when they say "you look exotic." so you shouldn't be insulted.

At least they are saying something positive about your looks.

If you are in a country that is not your native origin, then your looks would be considered different, hence exotic.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, you can be beautiful to some of the people some the time, but you will never be beautiful to all of the people all of the time. And nobody cares one way or the other but you.
Reply:Could be a good thing as that means in reality you look beautiful and differnt like a painting ,,, a mystery?
Reply:it means you are beautiful and yes different but its a good kinda different!

I wish i was called exotic looking :)

It means your sexy and goodlooking!
Reply:Believe me - it's a COMPLIMENT.

Reply:read your definitions again, slowly and silently. How can exotic be bad when it is new, unusual, unique....and oh the best thing, a stripper? LOL would it be better to be called non exotic....or the same as everyone else?
Reply:Exotic has its advantages. I pride myself in being an individual. It took me years to come to this conclusion, but being exotic is an aspect of myself that I am distinctly proud of.

Rather than working against your looks, perhaps you should work with it and become the best YOU that you can be. For years, I have been ashamed in being different and standing out from the crowd. I always wished I appeared more "Western". Living in a conservative town, I was jealous of the blonde girls in high school who were placed on a pedestal.

I'm now finishing college and feel that I have learned a lot. I've studied the science of beauty in evolutionary psychology and came to a more scientific understanding of universal beauty- which, by the way, doesn't have to be the Western ideal. I've even taken courses in Asian studies that shun the "Exotic" image, just to understand both sides. The Asian courses do not approve of the word "Exotic" because of the connotations that it carries, such as "kinky" or "submissive". However, I have come to my own conclusion that exotic also has its positive characteristics, such as being "unique" and "beautiful".

With the help of mentors and educators, I've learned to use my specific look to an advantage. I've even started modeling and I even started competetive Latin ballroom where my look is embraced.

Look around you. There are so many women who are tanning their skin, darkening their eyes to look smoky, wearing exotic prints in beautiful silks, etc. Why? Because women everywhere are trying to be exotic.

Accepting yourself is the first step to becoming confident in who you are. Afterwards, you can learn to use your looks to your advantage through enhancing them.
Reply:lol i agree with you... makes me think of an animal
Reply:Exotic... means your totally in a class very few people are in... its a privilege...... Embrace it.
Reply:The connotation in which people use the word 'exotic' would be best acclimated to the first portion of #3. "Uniquely new". This would mean that the nature of the differences are not only new, but pleasantly different.

Why is it so difficult for you to be unique to someone? Why don't you look up the word "Unique". Perhaps you wouldn't be so offended.
Reply:I think when people say exotic, it means out of the ordinary. You know that in this society, blond hair and blue eyes were the staple of beauty forever. In some cases, it still is. I am a sucker for some dark hair, eyes and complexion. That is quite different from the blond hair blue eyes. The dark hair blue eyes thing is different but not exotic unless you are from a different country, say South America where that is common. So someone coming to this country with dark hair and skin and blue eyes, that is uncommon, thus exotic. Not a bad thing. Besides you are beautiful.
Reply:Hope I have not offended my Polynesian friends by referring to them as exotic, as to me it means surpassing mere beauty, excitingly mysterious and possibly dangerous, a woman whom flows rather than merely walks down a path or street, unnattainable to the common man and as endangered and rare a species as the jaguar or other big cats and ya just know God cried when he sent these gals to earth and hoped we would be gentlemen enough to protect them from harm.

The association with strip clubs as in "exotic dancers" is one of those left-handed compliments meant to extoll sex and beauty, but it unfortunately falls short because strippers are also called "hard-core," "easy," and other innaccurate names by those who ogle rather than talk with an exotic dancer earning a paycheck to send her kids to a better future than hers.
Reply:are you a filipina? there are those who may want to call you a lot worse than "exotic"...count your blessings and stop being so oversensitive...
Reply:don't complain about a complement, people say exotic when your not a typically kind of pretty, when your beauty is unique which is a great thing because at least your not just one of the lemming.
Reply:It's a compliment don't feed anymore into it.
Reply:its kind of like original
Reply:There are a number of ways to take that word as you can see from your definition.

1. to be called exotic because your a different nationality is wrong and it is rascist.

2. To be striking and unusual, not a bad thing.

3. uniquely new-good also

4.being a stripper-good for some-and not good for others

5. same as one

6. same as four
Reply:It's a compliment on here but in real life if someone was to say that to me I would take it kind of offensively; it just means you're beautiful because you look different
Reply:its really good! thats why ppl say models look exotic
Reply:Girl, being called exotic is awesome! Mostly what people are getting at is that you don't look like little Mary Ann from next door- exotic is mysterious, intriguing, unknown, so revel in it- it has nothing to do with being an animal.
Reply:Exotic is good. If the avatar picture is actually you then you are hot.
Reply:I dont know but if you feel like an animal now, I feel horny when you talk about exotic.
Reply:i always use exotic as a compliment

i think you are very beautiful, i would say you look exotic too

it is a good thing to look unique - model agencies pick girls who have a unique look to be models
Reply:its a good thing, everyone likes exotics
Reply:I always had the feelings of exotic meaning of special origin. If I were to think of you as exotic, I would be thinking of you as rare and special.

I would say that it was a good thing.
Reply:Take it as a complement-and work on your self esteem. I am sure you are beautiful and just want some attention.
Reply:Its like they're saying, I'm not quite sure of what you are (race-wise) but I really ike it.

Its a compliment, I get it all of the time.
Reply:I think being different is great! When I hear exotic I think "gorgeous" so I wouldn't feel bad. I get called "All American," which basically means BORING! I am sure you are beautiful!
Reply:Most people of color will be considered "Exotic"...Blacks, Asians, American Indians, Latinos, ect.....personally I feel it is offensive because it says....You are strange, Different, some exotic animal or plant........To me people are beautiful no matter what color you are.....its not so much on whats on the outside as what is in the inside that counts....You can be fine as hell and have the heart of a rotten Egg.....
Reply:Being called exotic is a compliment I would love to recieve!
Reply:Exotic is often a more or less racist term like "oriental."

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