Saturday, May 22, 2010

Since Obama Is he REALLY "American"?

Who else thinks that Hawaii isn't "really" America, the way the mainland, or even Alaska is?

I mean, can we REALLY trust a guy to understand traditional American values, who grew up thousands of miles away from the rest of us, way out in the middle of the ocean, almost as close to New Guinea as California, with as many Japanese, Filipinos, and Chinese as blacks and whites COMBINED! He grew up on an isolated exotic volcanic tropical island in the middle of nowhere...which was ITS OWN KINGDOM that spoke ITS OWN LANGUAGE until the 20th century.

I mean, what's next? Can people from Puerto Rico run? Or the Marshall Islands? How about Cuba, or Jamacai, or the Bahamas, or Haiti, or Mexico? I mean hell, they're ALL closer to us than Hawaii is!

No offense...but I think Hawaii is LUCKY to be considered "part of America"...and Hawaiins should do less running for president, and more putting flowers around American's necks when we keep them eating by touring there.

Hawaii is not US.

Since Obama Is he REALLY "American"?
Oh this is getting really ridiculous. First he is a Muslim, then a Christian but the wrong sort of Christian, now he is not even American because he is from the wrong state.

Don't you have anything to criticize him for that has any substance at all?

If not then one would have to assume he is a pretty great candidate.
Reply:So... maybe there should be a Hawaiian Independence movement like the Tibetan one? China can drum up this movement. I mean, the culture in Hawaii is polynesian, different from the mainland, and the islands are so far away. Tibet is at least attached to mainland China. Too bad Dalai Don Ho died.
Reply:I ask you, is Hawaii a state and star in your flag????? What do you have against Hawaiian or other island nations and Mexico? Why should Hawaii call itself lucky putting flowers around Americans neck? Get off your big horse by yourself. The fall might hurt you.............
Reply:All the states had aboriginal peoples before Asian, European, and African settlers moved in. The true Americans are the aboriginal peoples that were here before the settlers. Perhaps, unless your Native American you shouldn't run for president!!!

True Hawaii was one of the last states to gain a star on the flag. It is no more or less part of the states as Kansas which is where Obama's mother grew up. Obama's mother and father met in Hawaii where they both went to college. Every state has a history of aboriginal peoples and settlers from just about every continent in the world. And yes, they all spoke different languages.

It wasn't that long ago that Texans had talked about becoming a country on there own, separate from the states. Does this make Texans and the Bush family un-American??? Every state has its cultural differences from New Orleans, LA to New York, NY.

Shouldn't the candidates for president be voted on for their ability to do the job and their position on the issues not their geographical distance of their birth town from the Capital of the U.S.

I'm sorry but I find this question extremely racists and I'm not sure why I even bothered answering it. But hopefully it sheds some light in some dark areas of the States.
Reply:He's actually a Nigerian Muslim.
Reply:I lived in Hawaii for two years, and it is NOT an international call to the lower 48. How absurd.

Now: I don't even know what the point of this post is. Hawaii is a state as much as any other. It's very different from the rest of the country, but then again how much does Little Rock or Tulsa have in common with NYC?

I also note that you mention that Hawaii has lots of people of Asian descent, which makes it less American. So not only white people (and Christians, presumably) and blacks can be "real" Americans, but if you GREW UP around non-white or non-black people, then you can't be a "real" American either. This argument is so obscenely racist and ignorant of American civics that it doesn't deserve a response, which is fortunate considering that it's not a proper question.
Reply:Maybe you ought to ask yourself that same question.

Your knowledge of American history and geography is lower that that of a newly made citizen who has to take a test.

Your knowledge of how Americans are all individuals and all states have their special history, yet still come together is paltry and ridiculous, so silly is it that I've decided you are just kidding, no one could be so ignorant.

Although...I've been wrong before.
Reply:at the beginning u were just 13 state....

what u want more?

in europe we were just 6 now, we are the EU of 25 , and we all considered europeans.
Reply:The last time I checked Hawaii is one of the 50 states of the U.S. Also Obama is from Illinois not Hawaii
Reply:Your question is about as stupid as they come. I live in Alaska and people ask me if that's in the United States. No, actually we are still part of the Soviet Union. Well duh...

Hawaii is as ever bit American as you are lady.
Reply:I'm not sure if hes Hawaiian
Reply:If you are born in any of the 50 states, then you are automatically a U.S. citizen.
Reply:Yeah its weird how like even though Hawaii is technically part of the US calling someone up there costs the same as an international call.

I'm always like "WTF!? Hawaii is part of America! That should be charged as a domestic call!"
Reply:I'm cuban (white cuban that is) and I'm more american than Obama....

his church hates white people ...really segragationist!!!!
Reply:Yes Hawaii is America, so is Alaska. I have lived in both, and although they are a bit different than the other 48 states, they still consider themselves Americans. There's only a small group of people that think they aren't part of America. Unlike Puerto Rico, where a lot of people act like they aren't part of America when they are.
Reply:You are right America did claim hawahi as there own land even though its not.
Reply:Those 5 paragraph that you wrote there are very racist. Hawaii is a part of the US and it is a privellage to both the countrys and not a birth-right.
Reply:I don't mean to be offensive but I don't know if your question in meant to be tongue in cheek or if this is a serious query.

If you really do feel this way you don't have a clue as to what our country is all about. We are the UNITED States of America. We've been a melting pot of cultures and traditions for over 300 years. Americans have resided in Hawaii for that length of time and longer. Have you ever been there?

We mainlanders are fortunate to have Hawaiians who were eager to become part of the United States. The US was strongly desirous of acquiring Hawaii as our 50th state in 1959 for economic reasons. But it also provides a base for protecting yours and my a--.

Your assertion that Hawaii is not part of the US is laughable. Hawaii is every bit a part of the US as California or Rhode Island.

Incidentally, Hawaiians have no need for us to support them to "keep them eating". Their residents have one of the highest per capita income levels in the nation. Even if that were not true, they'd eat a lot better than you and I ever would without putting flowers around other "Americans" necks. They can live off the land year round which I'll bet you can't do where you live.

Obama is more American than someone like you asking an absurd question like this. He has an American view of the UNITED STATES if America. Pull out your history book or read Wikipedia at least.

Maybe you are a STATE-o-phobe? If you don't like Obama find a better reason to dislike him.

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