Monday, May 17, 2010

What DOES THIS MEAN????????????? dream?

I was floaton a invisble seat in the air, waterfalls, birds, tropical scenes and flowers...i was sitting next to my significant other, and we were sort of just in awe and confused and i was b-tching at him because he was taking pictures of the beautiful scenes.....

what do u think it means?

What DOES THIS MEAN????????????? dream?
Dreams are the brains way of interpreting information. They are images that the brain creates to explain things, to expiriment with things, and to learn. So, dreams do tend to mean a lot.

Floating on an invisible seat in paradise... images of what you desire. You have lofty goals. High hopes. You want romance and beauty and you want to be the most important thing to your significant other (floating puts you above, like being on a glass pedestal). You're ambitious.

But, while he's seated next to you, he isn't appreciating your goals the way you hope. His goals don't match yours, and so you're left angry that he doesn't see the beauty you do... doesn't want to pursue your dreams with you. He's not taking pictures, why? because he doesn't see it as being as important as you see it.

So, I think it's all about him not sharing in your hopes and dreams. Maybe he thinks you're a dreamer, or maybe he just doesn't take you seriously. But, it pisses you off.
Reply:denotes good health -the birds success in the present undertakings-the flowers you will marry may not be with this male you may meet a new person you will marrie providing you give the consent but to smell the flowers abundance and pleasure
Reply:you are surrounded by beauty yet you are elevating yourself above it. Sig. other in dream is actually you, so do not confuse the dream figure with the actual figure. "he" (you) are not taking pictures perhaps because of this elevation you have placed yourself above nature.

re-integrate with nature.
Reply:invisble seat = false image, self cheating, denial

He was taking pictures of beautiful scenes = being ignored

You may be in some sort of denial in terms of your relationship with your significant other. In other words, there is some trust you may have to deal with. You may be ignored in some times, that may also indicate why you are floating on an invisible seat. That symbolizes something you see is not what you get.

Basically you vent out this helpless and denial conscience
Reply:nothing ur brains makes ur dreams up but if u still are wondering every wednesday at 11:00am in the morning turn to chanel 2 and watch dat show every wednesday it comes but different things cuz well never mind i would tell u dis but i dont want to type but let me tell u an edvice tell ur dreams to someone dont keep them to ur self they might come true but never mind just do wat i said trust me
Reply:It means you sub-conscious knows that sometimes you can be real snotty...

That doesn't mean you're an overall snotty person, but it does mean you're aware of that occasional character lapse, and it means that generally you're a warm-hearted person who wishes to improve in that area...

(without actually meeting you in person, that's my best analysis on short notice)
Reply:You are drifting on a hope that can not be captured. The air is there but, not visually and hence not substance to what you desire. Waterfalls are in continual motion as is the true you that is fighting against wanting to be stationary, birds are the guide to help show you the understanding of the things you create subconsciously, the tropical is a desire for stability in a world of constant movement. You are more concerned with the destination than the journey and have trouble accepting the world around you even though you know you are in transition. You don't want to move on.
Reply:I think it means that you have a great relationship but that you feel in the relationship he is not the person to get things done. (If anything happens you are the one making it happen.)In other words... You are the one in charge and that irritates you sometimes. You wish he were more aggressive and he thinks you are too uptight. Anywhere close?
Reply:Fighting-It usually symbolizes anger and confusion that comes about in times of change. If nothing is changing in your life, it may be a clue that a change is needed or that you want to change internally.

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