Thursday, May 20, 2010

Fish As Centerpieces at my wedding?

Hi There. I live in Florida and having the good ole Beach wedding. I can't find the right flowers for my wedding. So I am stressing out on centerpieces. Its a tropical/Beach theme. I was wondering is it expensive to use GoldFish/Beta in a nice bowl and yada yada yada.. ?? and Can I return the Fish when I am done?? Has anyone done this??

Fish As Centerpieces at my wedding?
You could skip the fish thing all together...sounds like it could be a bigger hassle than it's worth....

Why not keep it simple? Get some charger plates in your choice of size, shape, color, texture etc.... arrange pillar candle(s) on them based on your plate selection (1 tall pillar for small rnd plates, a cluster of 3 varying heights for large rnd plate, or row of 3 on rectangular plates) can also use square or ball candles rather than the traditional pillars. Then pour a modest/appropriate amt of sand on the plate, and decorate by placing seashells and glass floral stones to match your color (blue would look "cool" and water-like) on the sand.

Leave it like that or dress it up further w/ribbon tied around the candle (s) or tuck in some silk tropical flower flowers wouldn't do well in the sand I imagine...


Get those really cute little "table top" tiki torches! You can buy them cheap at dollar/discount stores and dress them up yourself, but Oriental Trading sells them adorned w/seashells and "nautical" rope / raffia already attached. They have a LOT of other decor items that coordinate w/them as well...and they're not really expensive. Check 'em out!
Reply:My husband's cousin did this for her wedding. She bought cheap little round fishbowls and bought beta fish in the theme colors for her wedding. It looked so good and was an awesome touch.

I don't remember what she did with the fish afterwards though. Part of me thinks that they announced that guests were free to take the fish (in the bowls, obviously) if they wanted them.

You should call around to the pet stores in the area and ask whether they will take beta fish back. They probably wouldn't give you the full price back, but beta fish are cheap and it's worth a shot.

Good luck!
Reply:The fish idea can work, but I doubt you can take them back afterwards. Also, I'd stick with Beta because they live longer. You don't want floating goldfish in your reception. :)

Also, you'll have to come up with a back up plan if the guests dont' take all the fish home. (Keep in mind that betas should not be put in the same bowl because they'll "eat" each other.)
Reply:I think that's a really great idea! You could find out if you have a privately owned pet store around that might loan you the fish, otherwise you could give them away as favors. Though the guests might not be too pleased. Or you could get a big tank and keep all the fish afterwards as a sort of wedding memory? lol. I'm not really sure, but I think it's a really unique and fun idea!
Reply:Ever thought of using carved ice fishes as center piece?after all they just melt away into the sand and know one has a mess to clean up afterwords and the best part no fishes were harmed Congratulations and Good Luck
Reply:I think this is a unique idea that you should let noone talk you out of, it is your wedding after all.

I would ask a pet shop how much for borrowing the fish for the wedding, if not then buy them and give them away toward the end of the night at the wedding.

I have never heard of anyone who did this but it's a great idea, don't lose it.
Reply:i think that sucks. why not try lillies? or daises?
Reply:Ummm....My friend had fishbowls as her centerpiece. Her uncle got drunk and ate a bunch. Live; swallowed them whole. Yuck.

As far as returning them, why not give them as centerpieces? You could try to return the ones that don't get taken, but I think it is tacky to take back the centerpieces. My fiance's aunt took all the centerpieces from her son's wedding to sell on ebay. She, and the family, looked ridiculous for it.
Reply:Well, the fish can be cute. Bettas are cheap (don't use goldfish). However, you cannot return them, so you'll have to find something to do with all these fish at the end of the night. Also, be prepared for dead fish by the end of the evening.

Even though bettas are cheap fish, they are not cheaper than a bowl with floating candles, or a flower bowl. Or, create a seascape candle display for each table (uses sand and sandollars, and candles...see them at

Below is a link for a beach-themed candle. They're cheap to make, and easy to get rid of at the end of the night (give to your guests). You don't need or want a big centerpiece, since people just push them out of their way if they can't talk over it.
Reply:seriously, there's a good chance some of them will die during the night. do you really think people want to have a dead fish staring at them while they eat/drink/etc?

there are about a million other things you can use for centrepieces, why use a living thing???
Reply:Use goldfish, one per bowl (rose bowls are probably cheaper than small fish bowls). You would not "return" them, but have numbers under the seats at each table, and draw for them for people to take home. If a person doesn't want it, he can give it to someone else at the table.
Reply:It's up to you, but my guess is that you are going to have a lot of fish left over at the end of the night. Not everyone will want to take on the responsibility of a fish
Reply:you could try to give them away as favors. but there is always the chance that you are going to end up with a bunch of fish. You could also try the fish bowl with the cool clear rocks and floating candles.

I have seen the fish thing done before and the fish were given away.

The little tetra fish are pretty cool looking though and cheap, I would go with them appose to a beta, but its up to you
Reply:Suck it up and go to walmart and buy several kiddie plastic pools and throw in some goldfish. No one wants to see wide mouth fish while they are eating. Afterwards, donate the fish to a local school.
Reply:I think you are forgetting something... this is your wedding.. what makes you happy. Are you happy w/ half candles, half fish. Sounds fine so if you are happy go with it. Shop around for best prices. I'm getting married in May and before I bought anything, I visited many stores w/ notebook and pen to track the best prices. Have found some very good deals!!!!!!!!!! One idea for the fish is to give them as favors to the kids at your reception. Good luck and remember it is your day, if it makes you happy, it's great!!!!!!!!!
Reply:There is nothing worse than looking at a dead fish in the middle of the table while you are trying to eat. Fish are living and unpredictable. If you don't make sure their water is just right, you could have fish floating belly up as a center piece instead of the beautiful center piece you imagined. I would think of something else.
Reply:Half floating cnadles and half fish would be very cute. You can get floating candles in the shape of fish at You can send the fish home with your guests because you can't return them. I would go with beta, bacause goldfish stink really bad and it is difficult to keep their tanks clean. Gold fish also grow a lot larger and fasher than beta fish do. Another fish you could get is guppies. I know it sounds wierd but the male guppies are very colorful-almost like betas. Good Luck
Reply:Let me just tell you as a mother that if you intend to give the fish at the end of the night to the kids ITS NoT A GOOD IDEA. I would be so super p'issed off at you for doing this. Most parents dont attend events with the plans of bringing home a new pet, especially a fish. For one thing with fish you have to deal with death quite early in a childs life since your fish isnt going to live past the 2nd night as it is. Plus you are just putting your burden on someone else who has done nothing but come to celebrate with you and spend money on you.

Not to mention, alot of people are grossed out by the prospect of actually eating while staring at a fish.

Nix this idea, it really isnt a good one and for all the reasons I hate Martha Stuart, this may be the reson I hate her the most for starting this craze all those years ago.
Reply:I've heard horror stories about couples who did this ended up with a bunch of centerpieces with dead fish in them.

So personally I'd try to find flowers / other sort of centerpieces.

I got married almost 6 years ago. And we used Bettas for the head table and fancy goldfish for the centerpieces on the other tables. Your best bet is to go to your local Mom %26amp; pop small pet store. Ask them if you can get a discount for your wedding if you buy in bulk. A lot of them will do it for you, if you give them good word of mouth for there store.


Sorry I had to nurse my 3 week old son!

Anyway, we gave them all out as favors. Pet stores will not take them back. Also don't put the fish together. Chances are the goldfish will die. The betta will try to kill it! Good luck and congrats.

PS- Take the colors you can get. 9 times out of 10 pet stores can not choose colors.
Reply:Please, please, please don't use fish as your centerpieces. I attended a wedding years ago and they did that...if I hadn't taken a bunch of them home, they probably would have ended up in a toilet. I didn't even want them, but I couldn't bear to see them neglected. Fortunately, the bride and groom finally accepted them into their home, but I don't think they really wanted them, either. Just felt responsible...they didn't think it through. It was pretty awful...I am sure many of them just died.

My sister had African Violets at her wedding. The centerpiece for each table was a beautiful large tray of several little potted plants, each with a ribbon that draped out to a specific place setting. It was lovely...she was married over 10 years ago, and I still have that plant. It even blooms around her anniversary, and I have sent her and her husband photos of the flowers along with a card. Now that was a sweet and special idea. I beg of you, please try something like that instead...thanks, and best wishes to you!
Reply:get the fish in bowls and send them home with the guests that have kids, they will love them.
Reply:It is your wedding Do what makes YOU happy .

Have fun with it .Give the fish away as a drawing prize .Put a number under one of the chairs the person sitting there wins the fish .By the way beta fish will kill gold fish ,If I remember correctly .
Reply:I do not mean to criticise but I am not a fan of using fish, or any live animals as decorations, simply because I have seen really nasty things happen when people have had few drinks, such as people putting them in champagne, or tipping them out and having "flipping" races (where they race the fish on the table, out of water so they are flipping around) it's so nasty. I know you may say they are only fish, but please do think about it, even the most lovely and civilised people can turn into different characters after a few drinks, and I bet more than one fish will die for the sake of your decorations. Personally I would rather nothing died for the sake of looking pretty. Please consider flowers, candles, fruit displays (even a platter of chocolate dipped strawberries can look really pretty, dipped in milk, white and dark chocolates) Like I said I do not mean to be horrible, but I just do not think it is fair on the creature involved. I know for a fact that any left over fish at the wedding I attended were flushed away by the hotel staff after the event, now that really is cruel.
Reply:I am a hairdresser and oldly enough I know about this because a client of mine did this for his daughter The had an ice sculpture of a dolphin.(expensive).But they put one single Beta fish in a small on each table,he said this was not very expensive and they ended up sending this fish home with the guests.
Reply:i am all about it being the bride's day and whatevr she wants is the way it should be, but money is obviously a bit of an issue. so instead of trying to be so cheap and returning used fish, why not cut the size of your wedding list? can't find the right flowers? honestly, that is the poorest excuse i've ever heard. if you can't find flowers in florida..........

again the day isn't supposed to be about your impressing the neighbors or whoever, it is supposed to be about a committment being made to the person you love.

and by the way ............ yada yada yada ................ is so over.
Reply:I think the fish idea is a really cool idea, but I do agree that you are going to either have a lot of upset people when you give the fish away, or your going to be dealing with a lot of fish dying. I know firsthand that beta do not do well in the aquarium together. Females always kill the other fish. They are very aggressive.

I've never been to Florida, I live in Utah, slightly different climate, but what about getting like some hybiscus flowers or some other tropical flower and floating it in water. Put a litlle sand in the bottom and some seashells or some colorful marbles and float the flower. And maybe do some candles on some tables. Either floating or pillars on a pretty plate. If you want fish, I would suggest getting a couple fish that you might like to keep for yourself and put them at the head table or somewhere at a focal point. That way you can still have your fish, but not be overwhelmed with a lot of fish to try to get rid of.

Congratulations and good luck!!!
Reply:Bad Idea girl, find other flowers.

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