Saturday, May 22, 2010

Help ? Anyone Bi in French and English ?

Would anyone mind translating this for me ? it would mean the world :

There are many beautiful botanical gardens, scenic waterfalls ( Fa'rarumi Waterfalls abouve ), historical landmarks ( such as Point Venus ), museums, and spectacular beaches.

Facts :

Tahiti is a popular vacation spot year-round because its pleasant tropical weather never leaves.

There are 118 islands that make up Tahiti.

On average, Tahiti's weather is 79 F.

Tahiti is well known for its warm hospitality and waters, green hill and exotic flowers and plants.

go shopping. We buy souveniers for our family and friends.

on tuesday we go to Gauguin Museum and eat at the popular resturant there. Our favorite display in the museum were the bronze sculptures

Wednesday we go to Point Venus, Captain Cook's first landing spot. The Sand there is black.

Thursday we go snorkeling and see a turtle. After that we went to a Polynesian restaurant.

Today is our last day. We will miss the island, and spend our last few hours relaxing and trying to catch a few more rays.

Help ? Anyone Bi in French and English ?
I'm bi-lingual, but I'm also a translator. Translations cost money. Sorry, no time.

Tahiti was wonderful in the mid 70s, has tourism spoilt it?
Reply:I'm French-English, you've made it so long, and one said yes it costs. I'm giving you the first line:

Tahiti est un endroit populaire de vacance toute l'annee, Par son climat tropical qui se maintient toujours.

That's it. The rest is for you to do.
Reply:Tahiti est un endroit populaire de vacance toute l'annee, Par son climat tropical qui se maintient toujours.

Il existe 118 îles qui forment Tahiti.

En moyenne, la température est de Tahiti 79 F.

Tahiti est bien connue pour son hospitalité chaleureuse et des eaux, le vert colline et des fleurs exotiques et des plantes.

Aller faire du shopping. Nous achetons des souvenirs pour notre famille et les amis.

Le mardi, nous allons au Musée Gauguin et manger au restaurant populaire là-bas. Notre favori exposées au musée ont été les sculptures en bronze

Mercredi nous allons au point Vénus, le capitaine Cook, le premier point de débarquement. Le sable y est noir.

Jeudi, nous snorkeling et aller voir une tortue. Après cela, nous allions dans un restaurant polynésien.

Aujourd'hui, c'est notre dernier jour. Nous regretterons l'île, et à dépenser nos dernières heures de détente et d'essayer d'attraper un peu plus de rayons.

Hope it helps!!


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