Monday, May 17, 2010

Can anyone recommend some hardy plants (zone 9)?

I live in zone 9 (central Florida), and my yard has full sun all day. I have few trees and no shade. I'd like to start developing my garden, but my thumbs are far from green. I'd like to feature some orange colored plants and flowers (my house is yellow with a red door; the orange would tie it together), but I need hardy plants that can tolerate the sun and heat and some neglect. Can anyone recommend any good plants? I'm looking for plants that have a more tropical feel than your basic marigolds or mums.

Can anyone recommend some hardy plants (zone 9)?
By all means Hibiscus. They come in a variety of colors, need very little care but water and a little fertililzer. They may freeze but will come back heartier than ever.

Portulaca, entirely carefree and loves full sun.

Fan Flower, spreads like a ground cover

Golden Globe

Mexican Petunia - needs water

Wandering Jew, spreads like ground cover

Drawf Crepe Myrtle or Regular size crepe myrtle, depending on your space.

I'm in Zone 9 too and just began gardening and loving it. Hope you get started and gain as much satisfaction from it as I have.
Reply:as for tolerant,try lilies in orange and yellow,also poppies have a huge orange flower,a honey sucle vine would be nice.then theres sedum,autumm joy has orange red flowers come fall.mums will come back every year.tulips come in all shades of orange and yellow,plus dafferdils,there are so many to choose from.

your local nursery will carry stuff that does well in your area.look around there and aroound your nieghborhood.dont be ashamed to ask what your nieghbor may be growing.they may be apt to give you a piece of it.

add some reds andpinks for a splash of color with your theme
Reply:I'm in South Carolina.

Lantana would be great as would some verbena.

I have a tri-color lantana, yellows and oranges that look great. They tend to be tolerant of just about everything including no care.

I also have yellow only in my front entrance drive near my mailbox.

Just make sure you water them in well and check them daily for the first week. I usually plant my new plants in Miracle Grow soil and/or use Miracle Grow transplanting fertilizer.

I can also recommend Confederate Rose. If you lived closer I would make a cutting for you in the Spring and you would plant it about now when the root system has developed.
Reply:Put flowers/outside in search and you should have a lot of choices as to were to go to get info you want.

Might try asking at local nursery, too.

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