Thursday, May 20, 2010

How do I patch things up with my best friend?

About two weeks ago, my friend was extremely concerned about me. I've had problems with depression for years, and I was extremely despondent, contemplating suicide. So instead of acknowledging that she cares about me, I pushed her away and said some terrible things to her. Things that were completely untrue, but that obviously hurt her.

After coming out of the depression about a week ago, I realized my terrible mistake. I've been writing her email apologies, sending her eCards. I sent her a Valentine's Day gift, and a dozen of her favorite flowers. Next week, two tropical fish (she loves fish) are being delivered to her.

But after all this, she says she's not ready to forgive anything. How can I keep from losing my best friend of nearly nine years?

How do I patch things up with my best friend?
Ask her what she needs from you to make this better. Work it out. And give her time if that's what she needs. Good luck.
Reply:first thing what you said should have not been said and for you to say them you must have wanted to say them for some time otherwise you would not have done it. Buying her forgiveness will not replace the words and how she feels hearing them from someone she considered a friend. You have to give her some time and let her know that you did not mean them and that you do not want to lose her as a friend and her friendship and love. Let her know that she was there and you pushed her away when she wanted to help and you love her for it and you should have trusted her to help you and now that you look back that you are sorry and that you needed her but just did not want to admit it. Tell her you want to explain the situation of why you were depressed and you would like for her to help you and you need her support and opinion. You count on her to be there when no one else is and that you need her now and that you would do anything to get the love, trust, support, friendship and forgiveness just talk to you. I hope you know now what it means to have a friend and if she does forgive you do not screw it up again.
Reply:Have you tried sacking up and apologizing to her face to face. E-mails and all that B.S. are impersonal and not a good way to show your feelings to someone. I hope that you get better. :)
Reply:all u can do is tell her the truth and dont be to pushy she'll come back around
Reply:if she is your best friend.first say again extremely sorry please forgive me.or say her to i realized my mistake and i will not do like that mistake happen again.or if you stay near to her.than you can go yourself and say again very very sorry and gave her favorite flowers.and hug her and say please forgive me say please please
Reply:I think you have already done all that you can possibly do. Too bad she can't take into consideration that you weren't exactly yourself when you said these mean things to her, but sometimes we do go too far and are never forgiven for our outbursts. Give her more time and hopefully she will come around and forgive you. If she doesn't then I think you need to back off and let her be.
Reply:you've done the absolute best thing you could apologized! now that you've made it clear that you are sorry, give her some space! trust me, she just needs some time to think things over and forgive you. the more you bother her while she is still upset with you, the longer it will take her to forgive you. when people are upset with others, they don't like to be approached by them (it kind of aggravates the problem)

you have been friends with her for a long time. just give her some space and she will come around.

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