Monday, May 17, 2010

After cutting back tropical hibiscus many yellow leaves?

Indoor hibiscus plant flowering and growing very well had to cut the plant back as it was reaching the ceiling in the room it was in. Plant is in SW facing window with lots of sun. After cutting it back now many if not most of the leaves are yellowing and falling off plant. New growth is coming in on many of the stocks including where I cut it back. Is this any thing to be concerned with?

After cutting back tropical hibiscus many yellow leaves?
Most plants, including hibiscus, respond well to pruning. They usually grow back more lush then before they were pruned. It sounds like your plant responded in a normal manner. The emergence of new growth indicates that the plant is responding well. Here is my favorite website for the care of houseplants of all kinds:

You can also do a websearch for "hibiscus care" (include the quotation marks in the Yahoo search box) and explore the results.

Good luck with your house plants.
Reply:in shock, yes , if you look at the major franchises/dealerships they usually have a profesional doing there yard when the leaves/trees go dormaint then thats a good time to trim ...........but since the plant is inside, its outside of its natural enviroment...the weather is not the same as it would be to a normal enviroment(no fresh air) factor in the diff then u got yellow tree....if u got the new growth's adapting to the envo..depending on the time frame its been in the house really makes a trick ?
Reply:It sounds like it might have been cut back too much at one time and is in shock.

Make sure you keep watering it with a light fertilizer. With plants its good to prune them lightly and more often that letting them go too long and taking a chance on shock.

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