Saturday, November 14, 2009

Short Story (1) - The best answer gets ten points! I have the beginning, can you write the best ending?

As they looked over the landscape, the sun shone through the clouds, glistening through the mist on the mountain's foothills.

This place had over a thousand years of history. Even through the dense jungle they could see the ruins of ancient temples and rock carvings. Around them, the parrots were squwaking and the tropical flowers were beaded with morning dew.

Something was beckening them to venture deeper . . .

Short Story (1) - The best answer gets ten points! I have the beginning, can you write the best ending?
it wasn't a voice, it was the sensations felt by millions of pilgrims to the site, drawing them to their God. As they drew nearer, the sensations of peace deepened and the awe of the place grew tenfold. Gazing up at the majestic ruins, they sensed the magnitude of the culture and peoples that built it. As they wandered through the empty streets, they could hear the whispers of street vendors, of the carts being drawn and the animals bawling out their myriad of sounds. They kept feeling the draw and the presence of something unseen, urging them deeper within the ruins.

As they neared a building that was left virtually unscathed, they noticed the fine craftsmanship on the building and the magnitude of their emotions blossomed. They approached it with baited breath and entered with reverence. All around a central altar, benches circled the entire building. Above the altar was a simple cross and a few words in the ancient tongue, etched in the stone below.

After struggling with the translations, they discovered the meaning. It read simply, "All who seek peace, may find it here". All of a sudden, they were filled with a glorious peace, that filled their entire being, and they knew that they had found the ancient God the natives had worshiped, and their own.
Reply:Thank-you, it was fun to do and probably the best question I've answered...for fun anyways. Thanks for the interesting challenge! Report It

Reply:A sound, like a sorrowful moan, or a groan, almost sweet and melodic, but not human, not animal... We ventured further and came to a clearing, our mouths fell open as we stopped dead in our tracks, we paused in confused excitement and it was then we realized we just hiked from the parking lot to the front gates of Disney World, the journey was over, or was it just beginning?
Reply:Any short story?
Reply:Because a roaring lion was about to tear them into pieces! They ran swiftly into the jungle seeking protection from the beast pursuing them, and dove into a nearby gopher hole.
Reply:Bert could feel the beat of his heart quicken deep in his chest a hot sweet smell assaulted his nostrills and he knew the time was near. suddenly the jungle went quiet. not a bird called, not an animal stirred. his gaze swepted across the beaded sweat on his partners brow. their eyes locked in common knowlege. yes, the waiting was over, it was time. with a shared gutrual scream they both fell forward. bert got the first slice and ernie followed a millesecond later nothing beats sharing pizza with your best mate. "hey how's that. "hey this next guy is deep "pick me, PICK ME"

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