Saturday, November 14, 2009

Looking for a rare, light pink flower for a tattoo.?

Im looking for some sort of rare, pink, tropical looking flower for a tattoo. I have a tiger and want to add some flowers around it, and please, NO HIBISCUS. i want something light pink, maybe even with thorns. Pictures or website with pictures please.

Looking for a rare, light pink flower for a tattoo.?
why would you get a tat? They get all old and saggy, when you will be all fat and stuff in about 10 years. Its gross
Reply:Pink Lady Slipper ?'s_Slip...

Got about 160 of them in my yard
Reply:try going to a web sight that shows orchids.
Reply:Why don't you try a tigerlily or some other form of lily? They can be in light pink, though most commonly seen in shades of orange and pink, and they are very tropical looking and beautiful.

I have included two links to very pictures of them. If they don't come up, just search for tigerlily and you will get some very pretty pics.

Good Luck!

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