Saturday, November 14, 2009

If you very thoughts could mould the fabric of reality to create the planet of your dreams describe it to me?

Also a moon or moons can be created as well, what would this world look like help me visualize your ideal world.

My ideal world would be a tropical planet with no large land masses just 43% of the planet covered with island chains around the equator and shallow oceans all around with very mild storm seasons once a year, there would be less gravity so volleyball on the white sandy beaches would be even more fun, there would be so many tropical flowers that even the air would smell like a dream, and at night there would be a mild breeze coming from the ocean and the twin moons overhead would be enough to stir the heart of even the most hardened of hearts.

but thats just what my ideal world would be like, i wanna here what your ideal world is like.

If you very thoughts could mould the fabric of reality to create the planet of your dreams describe it to me?
my ideal world would be a moon of a giant ringed planet with many other moons, so there is always something to look at in the sky. the gravity is arount half of earths. There is only 1 small village of humans, the world is mostly inhabited by humanoids who live in the seas, kind of like mermen. they are telepathic, and they are overpopulated so they let us eat their young (they are tasty). the climaate is semitropical and the only real continent goes all the way around the equater, with seas spread out, and oceans on the north and south with ice caps at the poles. I call it MAGRUDER
Reply:I want a planet inhabited by 6 billion teletubbies. There will be no form of law enforcement whatsoever so that I could not be arrested for gauging their eyes and ripping them apart.

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