Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Another poem of mine - any comment/critique?

I accidently posted this under the wrong category - it should have been here.


O Woman, I look at your beauty

Your skin..... of ebony color

Moist with sweat, glittering much

Like silk, like velvet

Is to my masters touch.

I look at your body

The forms of your figure

So perfect, so fine....

Down to your hips

I see you all bare

I gaze and I mumble.....

I see you don't mind

My ill restrained trembling

My wondrous stare.

I look at your face

Your fine curved lips

And murmur your name....

Like Mother-of-Pearl

Unreal seems the shine

That fathomless shimmer

In your eyes

In the light

Of the flickering flame.

To the music you dance

Small beads of sweat

pearl down your face

For - the rhythm so throbbing

Had quickened its pace

You turn in closes circles

My senses are captured....

Ever so flowing

Your body is swaying

Moving with uttermost grace.

You woman, beautiful woman

Proud as you are....

You still are eluding

So innocent, simple

The way you do smile

The ring of your giggles

Like music your name.....

You really don't care

You do not feel shame.

But your expressions, gestures

I feel are conveying

Sweet secrets you

They tell without words

What cannot be told......

Your heart, ageless and free

It has touched my soul

I see - it is prone

I know it gave something

For not anymore

I feel so alone.

That night I was happy

One with the music

The Earth - your beautiful song

The fragrance of tropical flowers

The rhythmical stomping of feet

The heavy moist air

Vibrating to the drummers

All powerful beat.

From far off lands I came to you

A restless mind in youthful vigor

Woman of mysterious nature

That other part of mine......

To seek adventure, leave behind

The boredom, dead end routines

The fancy heaps of useless glitter!

One principle in pride pursued

The precious freedom I do treasure

Confronted by desire, pleasure....

I wonder how.... again is waning?

To share there is a price to pay -

And so is there for failing

Your woman's inborn magic art

Again this time it has subdued

Has overcome my shield and guard.

For untold lifetimes I am learning....

That painful search before and after

When passions rise from glowing embers

Then light up bright and die-off burning

Thus leaving puffs of hazy smoke

The cloudy nature of this yearning

That sting of sweet intoxication

Which.... flashy burst of wisdom hint

In moments of rare revelation

Between those states of sweetened weakness

Are nothing but the bitter fruit

Of falsified indoctrination

Created life...... imagination.

I suffered, learned, enriched my soul

Received what I could find

I found you on the way my friend

On which there is no end in time

.... In search of peace of mind.

O woman - knowing and so sure

As long as we are different

In body, mind (and) what drapes the soul

Unless we both are one

Against your charm there is no cure!


Another poem of mine - any comment/critique?
Yes, I do prefer this one...except for (I am being negative again...), the last line! Which I think is a little clichéd, compared to what precedes ("what drapes the soul", which I really like).
Reply:That was awesome! Wonderful job! I loved it. Keep up the good work.
Reply:VERY descriptive
Reply:Wow, Sigi H, you're a perv.

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