Saturday, November 14, 2009

Is it ok to get a guy flowers...?..?

My BF and I got into an argument last nite....we've been together for 5 years...and I send him these flowers but they are not like girly....they look very tropical/ you think he'll get embarassed once he gets them at work...?..he works with a bunch of guys...


Is it ok to get a guy flowers...?..?
Of course. . . I've done it! You know your guy better than anyone so only you can guess if he'd be embarrassed. One thing for sure. . . the guys he works with would be envious. Good Luck!
Reply:Well, flowers do tend to emasculate a guy, and if he works with a bunch of other guys there's no doubt he'll be teased for them, it all resumes to how open-minded he is about it, if he's an easy going dude, he'll just laugh it off, but if he's kinda macho-like you'll probably get into another argument.

All in all, there's nothing wrong with sending him flowers.
Reply:that's really sweet, but I think he would definitely be embarrassed receiving them at work, especially working around other men....they will find someway of turning a thoughtful action into a mess...if you want to send him flowers have them sent to his home.

P.S. "manly" flowers...what do those look like?---I think bamboo is a safe's not masculine or feminine and it will not die in a few days.
Reply:he probably wouldnt get embarrassed, it would just feel awkward... it wouldnt really hurt me socially if i got flowers as a present infront a bunch of my friends, but ide feel pretty stupid holding flowers... send him like a picture of you with a letter or something... that might be better and it might mean more.
Reply:If he is comfortable with himself he shouldn't get embarrassed. In fact, the other guys may be a bit jealous. I sent my husband a frilly balloon bouquet at work for his birthday. He loved it and enjoyed the torment from his crew. The guys are all married or have girlfriends so they understood. I think he will appreciate it.
Reply:aww thats cute but he might get embarrassed around his buddies, you know guys. try giving him one of his current favorite movies and his favorie beer, or cook him his favorite meal..the best way to get to a man is thru his stomache.

Good luck!
Reply:Oh he will hate you for it, on the outside. But if he is like me we/he should be deeply touched by the gesture and love you even more.

But he will catch hell at work.
Reply:YES. Don't do it! He'll get the piss taken out of him FOREVER. If my girlfriend did that to me I'd be even more pissed off. He'll get over it, we have broad shoulders.
Reply:I got flowers from a woman once. And although it might be a punch in the "gay card", it was a very nice gesture.
Reply:it depends on how masculine he thinks he is. his co-workers might make fun of him for it but if your bf got a sense of humor then he will think its sweet.
Reply:He'll hate the flowers but he'll love the thought. Go for it.
Reply:yeah he might get embarrassed if he receives them at work in front of his co-workers... but its a really sweet thing to do and he should appreciate it either way
Reply:uh i would say go to his house and give them to him or if you live with him make him dinner or somthing
Reply:personally i think its OK but if he is working with a bunch of guys you know they'll make fun of him. maybe you should just send them to his home address I'm sure he would appreciate that much more
Reply:@ work is not a good idea.
Reply:He may find it embarrassing yeah

really cute thing to do tho =D

star from me x
Reply:he'll love them. alot of guys like it when you give them flowers.
Reply:Definetly do not get him flowers. That would be so gayyy and embarassing.. Lol
Reply:depends how secure he is with his masculinity
Reply:No, I think that is very sweet!! He'll love them! : )
Reply:Depends on how his co-workers react. And if he's a confident person.
Reply:He'll be embarrassed but its all good... if he loves you he'll see past it for what you're trying to say
Reply:Yeah. As long as you explain to him why.
Reply:i dont think it really matters that much!
Reply:Is he gay?
Reply:yes and its funny!!!


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