Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Please edit my Descriptive Paragraph?

The Place I Once Call Home

Every once in a while, I find myself proudly reminiscing about Afao, which is a village in American Samoa that I once call home. The sparkling white sandy beach stretches from western side to the eastern side of the village. On the west side is an ugly rundown historical building, which used to be a school for girls, called Atauloma School. In the center of the village sits a small brick bus stop where the friendly kids play, and the overwhelming adults enjoy the view of the splendid blue ocean. The colorful gardens full of gorgeous tropical flowers in front of the clean houses fill the air with elegant scents. The shadows of the tall coconut trees dance as the cool wind passes through the leaves. The sound of the roaring waves and the rustling wind will break the dead silence in a quiet afternoon. Towards the east side is a gigantic mango tree where curious teenagers climb to get the ripe mangoes for snack. Inside the village you will find various tropical fruits such as papayas, passion fruits, coconuts, mangoes, and bananas. Unlike some of the neighboring villages, Afao still perform the true traditional values and exercise evening curfews. It is a fairly small village where everyone knows everyone. I will never forget Afao, the place I once called home.

Please edit my Descriptive Paragraph?
A couple changes/suggestions in brackets [ ] . Not sure what you mean by 'overwhelming adults' so I don't have a suggestion there. Sounds like a beautiful place.

Every once in a while, I find myself proudly reminiscing about Afao, which is a village in American Samoa that I once [called] home. The sparkling white sandy beach stretches from [ the] western side to the eastern side of the village. On the west side is an ugly rundown historical building, [once] a school for girls, called Atauloma School. In the center of the village sits a small brick bus stop where the friendly kids play, and the overwhelming adults enjoy the view of the splendid blue ocean. The colorful gardens full of gorgeous tropical flowers in front of the clean houses fill the air with elegant scents. The shadows of the tall coconut trees dance as the cool wind passes through the leaves. The sound of the roaring waves and the rustling wind [breaks] the dead silence in a quiet afternoon. Towards the east side is a gigantic mango tree where curious teenagers climb to get the ripe mangoes for snack. Inside the village you will find various tropical fruits such as papayas, passion fruits, coconuts, mangoes, and bananas. Unlike some of the neighboring villages, Afao still [holds] the true traditional values and [exercises] evening curfews. It is a fairly small village where everyone knows everyone. I will never forget Afao, the place I once called home.
Reply:Every once in a while, I find myself proudly reminiscing about Afao, which is a village in American Samoa that I once called home. The sparkling white sandy beach stretches from western side to the eastern side of the village. On the west side is an ugly rundown historical building, which used to be a school for girls, called Atauloma School. In the center of the village sits a small brick bus stop where the friendly kids play, and the overwhelming adults enjoy the view of the splendid blue ocean. The colorful gardens full of gorgeous tropical flowers, in front of the clean houses, fill the air with elegant scents. The shadows of the tall coconut trees dance, as the cool wind passes through the leaves. The sound of the roaring waves and the rustling wind will break the dead silence in a quiet afternoon. Towards the east side is a gigantic mango tree where curious teenagers climb to get the ripe mangoes for snack. Inside the village you will find various tropical fruits such as papayas, passion fruits, coconuts, mangoes, and bananas. Unlike some of the neighboring villages, Afao still performs the true traditional values and exercise evening curfews. It is a fairly small village where everyone knows everyone. I will never forget Afao, the place I once called home

good job there were only a few errors

What's your ideal wedding?

Mine is getting married by the ocean or somewhere tropical. Chairs on both side with tropical flowers leaves along the aisels. All the guests would have a "lay or whatever u call those hawaii necklace". It'll have my future husband and my name written on it.

Then for our rings, on his would be my name, and on mine would be his name, both with the date we got married. What would your ideal wedding be like?

What's your ideal wedding?
We are planning ours at the moment. We are thinking of a simple ceremony, were we arrive in horse %26amp; carriage (we have show carriage horses, so it's a love of ours). After the ceremony, I'd like to leave in a hot air balloon (something that lucky for us, is available locally), and we would be dropped down in a paddock somewhere close the the reception where we will have photographs taken. The reception will only be small - around 30 guests.....the focus will be on fine food, wine and music for the rest of the evening....and when we have had enough celebrating, we will be wisked away in a helicopter for the evening.....

Those are our thoughts this week anyway - they are forever changing!!! Lol
Reply:Someone elses wedding that I do not have to attend.
Reply:Elvis and champagne .
Reply:your idea is very nice

i want to get married on a beach; chairs on both sides; silver rings each with some type of engraving in it; music would probably not be typical 'here comes the bride' but something different; and it would be sometime between May and October; with all my family and friends; a CHOCOLATE cake with a dark chocolate bow on it

most importantly my ideal wedding would have my dream guy
Reply:vegas... quick, easy, cheap.
Reply:I had my ideal wedding. Small ceremony with 20 or so friends and family. Then a fairly large reception with lots of music, dancing, food and fun. It was the best day of my life.
Reply:If the man I loved came to me and said, "Will You Marry Me in Vegas, tonight? I would say yes!

The location for me is not important. A backyard, theater, church, Vegas...makes no difference to me. Just want to be with him.
Reply:I want a very simple wedding - at a park, or on the beach with only family and very close friends. I don't even want a reception, I just want us all to go out to dinner or something.

Just nice and simple :D
Reply:Take my advice... City Hall Wedding, and use the $40,000 as a down payment on a home or invest a good chunk of that on Google and Apple stock.
Reply:marrying the guy of my dreams. I don't care so much about the wedding, just the guy

ideally, an autumn wedding on the lawn or in the backyard

with a chupah that we could stand under

(im jewish, so the rabbi too)
Reply:Elvis singing and a great pair of diamond studded cowboy boots.

Reply:yours sounds liek it would be so cute, i would like something on the beach, with a little white dress on, with all my friends and family around on the nicest day of the year.
Reply:Ideal wedding would be where no one over drinks, relatives do not fight and use the platform for showing each other down, every guest has a smile and shower love and wishes from their heart, where ever it takes place.
Reply:There is no such thing. I guess if you could have one without saying i do would be ideal.
Reply:one with a bride, and cake, lots of cake.....
Reply:me n him n a preacher who has his own ride home, and enuf money to spend some time together off and on over the years of family, and growing old together. Need to pay for matching rockers on the porch....To much money spent on pomp and circumstance that should be saved for family later. wedding cake don't feed babies and the booze bill could buy a good safe second car. the price of the wedding photographer could earn interest on a cd that would mature in time to pay for child # 1. The price of the catering could buy food for 6 months. The band $$ could start a savings account you could add the price of your fancy franchise coffee you drink every day and you can take family vacations and pay cash and stop losing money on C C debt and over draft fees The price of the flowers could furnish your first appt. All the extra incidentals would a pay for a quite nice no nonsense honey moon so you could always brag child # 1 was a honey moon remembrance. Having plain no frill rings would remind you how serious a committment marriage is

and not fighting about money all the time would would make year number one stronger and sweeter. you could both go to school snd ultimately be able to live well, educate your children and live happily ever after...... the price of the wedding finery that only gets worn one time would make a fine working wardrobe that would make you look and feel sucessful in a competive work environment so you would have a good solid fondation for a long happy life,

God willing....you would retire together ,young enough to see the world and be active Grand parents and still lovers....
Reply:thats nice, i dont really care where i am getting married as long as a marry HIM
Reply:My ideal wedding for myself?

I'd love an outdoor wedding in late spring so the weather is still cool enough during midday that my guests won't roast to death. Have a morning ceremony with my closest friends and family there, no more than 30 people. The decorations would be simple, to compliment the green scenery. My wedding party would be dressed in sage, champagne, and ivory. No flowers but white orchids (the first flowers my boyfriend ever gave me) and the rest of the arrangements done in ivy.

I want my ceremony to sweet, simple, and filled with the love and humor that makes life with my loved one so great.

A light brunch followed with sparkling juice and fruity desserts, followed by an afternoon to chat with my family and relax before heading out to our honeymoon, be where it may. If I could, most everything would be organic and my favors would be donations to an environmental society.
Reply:wow....urs is romantic and beautiful!!, but i think its expensive...u have to make more money...lol..

my ideal wedding is as simple as me...

i want a simple gown...and do it during sunset...

and my favorite cousin will play for us..

my uncle will set the videos and pictures...

i would do the invitations...i'll make a recycle one...

and i want my wedding held inside the church..

my favorite church of course...

and the ring? my future husband will decide for that...

my wedding is kinda cheap.but i think its cute...im not gonna pay for the videos...lol..

and the player and singer for my wedding...

save money....lolx
Reply:Star Trek Themed

Should I get another tattoo?

So.I was debating if I should get a small tattoo on my lower stomach by my bikini line so in the summer time I could show it off when wearing my bikini, I already have a small tropical flower on my lower back..and was thinking about maybe a small heart...for the next one...

what do u guys think? would that be attractive at all? or not?..


Should I get another tattoo?
the fact that you say you want to get a tattoo "so in the summer time you can show it off when wearing a bikini" is the absolute wrong reason to get a tattoo. also, you should keep your tattoos out of the sun as much as possible as the harmful UV rays break down the ink and destroy your tattoo.

so if you are wanting to get a tattoo to be cute and show it off i'll say, no. don't get one because it just validates the stereotype that girls thoughtlessly get ridiculous tattoos so guys will notice them while there are those of us who are constantly having to try to disprove the stereotype that you are helping to continue.
Reply:Hmm well i think that would be a good idea you should make it probably as small as a quarter though because otherwise it would just look bulky and tacky. BTW i love the idea of a tropical flower on your lower back sounds so cute!!!!!! Well anyways i hope my advice helped and that if you end up getting it I hope it looks amazing! :)
Reply:don get it for those reasons...cute, show off in the summer....a tattoo is a part of the person....not to impress others....
Reply:Well one thing I did think of was this...and yes, I have a tattoo...if you haven't had a baby yet, this area does stretch out significantly when you get pregnant - and you run the risk of distorting the tattoo if it's in that location in the future if you decide to have children.

Just a thought....
Reply:no more
Reply:nope... tatoos are un attractive
Reply:Tattoos are a form of expression. You are ALLOWED to step out of the 10 inch box that most people live in. I have two tattoos. One on my foot and one on my shoulderblade. They are in places that if i want to show people i can. Same with your tattoo It can only be seen if you want it to. I think getting a tattoo there is really cute. It will stretch a small amount in the future if you ever decide to get prego but who cares. Its your body so do what you want. I think tattoos are awesome so yes get another one.
Reply:Go for broke. Get Poseidon rising out of the sea with a dragon wrapped around him. On your back get the U.S.S. MISSOURI under way.
Reply:You shouldn't even have gotten the first one.
Reply:Well if you are still debating with yourself then definately wait.

Some very good points already made. I have never been one to like cute tattoos or get them for those reasons. My tattoos are such a part of me and my personality, planned and thought about for a long time before getting them. Make sure you get what you want for you and you alone :)
Reply:WHO CARES!!!???? IF YOU WANT IT, GET IT!!!! Any guy who won't like you because you have tattoos isn't worth your time, any dern way! Right or wrong? Have fun.
Reply:no cus they could get infected .

And if u have 1 then ur with it 4 life unless u want lazer sergary
Reply:It might get streched if you have children. But it's your body, so if you want it, get it!


Im trying2find the title4an raggae song.?

it goes like;" i feel fine.drink more rum than i should.tropical flowers%26amp;fruits..i can be crazy..."

can any1out there help me with the title%26amp;the artist who sings this song?? 1st time i heard about this song was around 1985 or 1986?? many thx

Im trying2find the title4an raggae song.?
Rum and Coca-Cola

Help with editing?

im 14, and i just had a very basic assignment to write a SHORT descriptive 3 paragraph descriptive writing. im a little stuck on how i should end it, and also do u have any editing ideas?

The moment that I stepped off of the airplane I was happily overwhelmed by the humid air, and the stunning tropical flowers. As we drove to our vacation cottage I could hardly noticed the huge resorts and the countless tourists. I was coming to the realization that I defiantly wasn’t in Alaska, but a place far more captivating.

I spent practically all of my time at the beach trying to absorb the sunlight, which I hadn’t done much of living in Alaska. When resting at the beach with my toes in the sand, I loved how content, warm, and free my mind felt. The sky was mostly cloudless, except when the mystic island decided to surprise us with a heavy rain. Within minutes of a downpour everything would become luscious and green again, and vibrant rainbows would appear in every valley.

Help with editing?
This is a really good essay for a 14 year old. Below I have an updated version for you that has been edited. I changed very little of the context of the story...mainly grammatical corrections.

The moment that I stepped off the plane; I was giddy, happily overwhelmed by the humid air and stunning tropical flowers. As we drove to our vacation cottage, I hardly noticed the towering resorts and the sea of faceless tourists. I began to realize that I was no longer in Alaska, but a place far more vibrant.

I spent every waking moment on the beach bathed in a shower of sunlight. I had not done much of this while living in Alaska. While resting on the beach with my toes covered in sand, I loved how content, warm and free my mind felt. The sky was a cloudless blue, except when the mystic island decided to surprise me with a heavy rain. Within minutes, everything would become luscious and green again. Like magic, these vibrant rainbows would appear in every valley. I had finally found my little paradise.

I put that last sentence on your essay to cap your second paragraph. I think the essay sets a great mood. You give the reader a sense of joy and pleasure b/c that's what the scene and mood evokes. Something that could really make an impact on the reader is if you use your last paragraph to turn the mood completely around. Everything so far has been nice and bubbly and joyous and pleasant (like a fantasy world). With your last paragrah, you should bring the reader back to reality. For example, while you're lying there content and in bliss, all of a sudden -boink- a beach ball smacks you in the head. You look up and see your pesky little brother with a malicious grin on his face. And you realize that this vacation isn't going to be any different from the other vacation you've taken b/c as always your brother has spoiled the mood. (or it could be your little sister, cousin, whatever). I think you know where I'm going with this. And keep writing. It was really good.
Reply:An Island so exotic and vibrant. I could just free yourself in amongst it. I could bask in the sun kissed salty beach forever. Not a flaw to be found. Every spot of the islang is so unique. It was beautiful. It was____.

i dont know what island it was so fill in the blank :] good luck!!
Reply:I think it is good but did a few changes in the second paragraph what do you think? I spent practically all of my time bathing in the warm rays of sun at the beach, trying to absorb the sunlight and develop a beautiful golden tan, which I was unable to do back home in the freezing cold of Alaska. When resting at the beach with my toes curled underneath the soft grains of sand, I loved how content, and free my mind felt.

The sky was mostly clear with maybe one or two fluffy white clouds in the distance, suddenly the mystic island decided to surprise us with a heavy yet still humid type of rain,rapidly it all happened and what seemed like forever lasted minutes.happy were the songs of the birds nearby,as they enjoyed the vibrant rainbows that glowed above in the tall trees it was beautiful!
Reply:A couple of suggestions:

The moment that I stepped off of the airplane I was happily [remove happily] overwhelmed by the humid air, [remove the comma] and the stunning tropical flowers. As we drove to our vacation cottage I could [remove could] hardly noticed the huge resorts and the countless tourists. I was coming to the realization that I defiantly [I think you mean "definitely"] wasn’t in Alaska, but a place far more captivating.

I spent practically all of my time at the beach trying to absorb the sunlight, which I hadn’t done much of living in Alaska. When resting at the beach with my toes in the sand, I loved how content, warm, and free my mind felt. The sky was mostly cloudless, except when the mystic island decided to surprise us with a heavy rain. Within minutes of a downpour everything would become luscious and green again, and vibrant rainbows would appear in every valley.

Maybe your third paragraph could describe your emotions at how you felt having to leave paradise (assuming you have).
Reply:First some editing remarks:

In the first paragraph, you have a couple issues with commas: "The moment that I stepped off of the airplane I was happily overwhelmed by the humid air and the stunning tropical flowers." [No comma before 'and' because you are 'overwhelmed' by both the air and the flowers - those are equal. You might want to put one after 'airplane,' however, so that there's a pause in the sentence.] Your second sentence has a grammar problem that you can fix pretty easily; just take out 'could' so that it says "...I hardly noticed..." Also, think about putting that sentence together with the next one (join them with a semi-colon) so that we know /why/ you 'hardly noticed' everything around you; you could leave it as is, which would suggest that the 'humid air' and 'tropical flowers' are the cause. Third sentence - 'defiantly' should be 'definitely' and you probably want to say "I definitely wasn't in Alaska anymore" - adding that word would tell readers immediately why you're contrasting Alaska with the place that you're talking about and give some background with very little effort.

The first sentence of the second paragraph is kind of awkward because of the combination of clauses at the end of the sentence. Try rewording it after the comma ("...sunlight,..."), perhaps: "a novelty after living in Alaska," "a rare occurrence for a native of Alaska," "a particular treat for someone coming from Alaska," or "since we see so little of the sun in Alaska." Mix and match. (Keep in mind that you might not need the comma depending on what kind of wording you use, or a semicolon might be better - read it out loud to yourself and see what kind of pause you need and where.) In the third sentence, I would suggest a couple minor changes, for example, you might want to say "except when the weather on the mystic island" so that the weather is causing the rain, not the island, and also "surprise us with heavy rain" - take out the 'a' which suggests that it only happened once, even though the next sentence makes it sound as if it happened multiple times. Otherwise, those sentences look good.

For a final paragraph you can go a few different directions (or a combination): talk about what you liked most, talk about being back wherever you are and what you miss most, talk about the trip back (or at least up to boarding the airplane home - if you ended with boarding the airplane, it would make a kind of frame for your piece, beginning and ending more or less the same way), or talk about what you want to do if/when you go back. Feel free to do something else, of course, but I hope this gives you some ideas.

Uncluttering and redecorating my bedroom?

i have a high up bed a full.

with a dark hot pink with light pink tropical flowers and these tropical light orange, yellow and ivory leafs comming off of the flower.

i have this canopy: http://www.bedbathandbeyond.com/product....

a mini plasma on my wall. a normal closet. two medium sized windows. a big dresser and mirror. a big jelery box thing. and a night stand. and wodden floors.

its a small room.

but my room is veryyyy cluttered with clothes and junk. its not decorate. not cute and my own. i still want to decorate it after i unclutter it. but i dont wanna make it look cluttered!

how can i make it cute kee it organized and uncluttered?

im 15 yrs old and a girl btw. :]

Uncluttering and redecorating my bedroom?
try to reorganize your closet so that you can store stuff in there. also, get the under the bed storge bins too. you can also get cool shelve bins for the walls.
Reply:get those plastic boxes that keep almost everything in them...

or go here.. http://www.spacesavers.com/
Reply:First of all your bed is beautiful and a dream!! It sounds like you have plenty of storage space -- you just haven't organized it and used it to the best possible space for you. Secondly you need motivation to keep things cleaned up once you declutter.

Let's start by trying to declutter...absolutely everything that is not a family heirloom that you haven't used in the last six months HAS GOT TO GO!!! Any clothes that you haven't worn in the last 4 months except for specialty items like ski boots, etc should be donated NOW. It will make a real difference to someone else's life and the small bit you would receive from a resale shop won't make that big of a difference in yours.

Next, look around you -- at your shelves and walls -- is your artwork outdated? or is it just not you? get rid of it.

Empty space CAN be a good thing if it is carefully planned. I prefer my counters to be totally clear in the kitchen. It just makes the room (which is extremely small) look much bigger and brighter.

I can remember how my mother had knick-knacks all over the place, how long it took to dust them all and to remove them and dust the surface they sat upon.

I admire the fact that you realize at such a young age that clutter can be quite uncomfortable.
Reply:Get rid of what you don't need, but then we all have those things we love so invest in wall shelves and baskets that fit. You can put your favorite things in each deep basket. The plastic lidded bins that fit under the bed are an excellent idea.
Reply:i have no idea

Uncluttering and decorating my room?

i have a high up bed a full.

with a dark hot pink with light pink tropical flowers and these tropical light orange, yellow and ivory leafs comming off of the flower.

i have this canopy: http://www.bedbathandbeyond.com/product....

a mini plasma on my wall. a normal closet. two medium sized windows. a big dresser and mirror. a big jelery box thing. and a night stand. and wodden floors.

its a small room.

but my room is veryyyy cluttered with clothes and junk. its not decorate. not cute and my own. i still want to decorate it after i unclutter it. but i dont wanna make it look cluttered!

how can i make it cute kee it organized and uncluttered?

im 15 yrs old and a girl btw. :]

Uncluttering and decorating my room?
You could get some of those organizer things that go in your closet from Target.

They also have bookshelves.

And you can get really cute baskets to store different things in.

I have a shelf in my room.

It really helps keep my room organized.

I hope that this helped you.
Reply:I would suggest going through all your stuff and maybe get rid of some of it, stuff you dont use anymore, or dont realy need ,or maybe you have just grown out of it and donate it that could take care of the clutter. As far as making the room look bigger accent with alot of white it brightens it up to make it look bigger and maybe put some stuff in totes and slide them under your bed thats what i do with all my shoes.

riding boots

First day of 9th grade outfit!?


(the shorts are like this except they are blue with white tropical flowers on them)


im woried that since the top is so flowy, it will look wierd with the shorts becasue they have a pattern. tell me what you think and aslo ideas for shoes and jewlery. thanks

First day of 9th grade outfit!?
Well I don't want to say something bad but here it is. The color does not work and thats it USe that top with a blue denim skirt or denim?
Reply:I think I'd switch to jeans. I'm going into 9th grade too, and I'm wearing white hollister jeans, a navy tank, and a pink victoria's secret henley. But for shoes just wear flip flops and wear cute pearls if you have them. So that top, pears, jeans, and flip flops.
Reply:I wouldn't wear those shorts with that top.. wear a cute jean skirt in stead and some flats.
Reply:hmm.. the top that you put is in navy right?

because the link went to a green top %26amp;%26amp; blue doesnt go with green heh.

anyways.. i love the top but maybe you should go with a pair of dark wash jeans, some navy flats for shoes, %26amp;%26amp; like some blue jewelry :]]

Another bouquet question...please help!?

I am having a beach wedding in Kauai and I cannot find a pic of the bouquet I have in mind. I have to use yellow roses in it b/c they were my fiance's mothers favorite flower and she has passed away. I will be wearing a coral colored sash with my dress, so coral and yellow have to be in the bouquet and I was thinking a dark pink too. I want to include tropical flowers and was thinking of a red ginger flower to incorporate native flowers and the dark pink. Below is a link to a picture of the colors I was thinking about for my bouquet as well as a picture of a red ginger flower b/c most people don't know what one is. If anyone can find a bouquet using these colors and those flowers or similar, will you please post the link???

colors (green is greenery in the bouquet white and orange are optional.my sash is the same as the color next to the pink)


Another bouquet question...please help!?
Here...try these websites. They are florists websites that are located in Kauai. You can also look up some other florists and call around. They will be able to help you find what you are looking for. It sounds like it will be beautiful...







Reply:I was in Hawaii in August and I'm here to tell you, there is no Aloha there. The people in Hawaii are not very nice, the place reminds me alot of NJ only with red ginger flowers growing everywhere. So, I'm not surprised you aren't getting any help. I think the only way you're going to get any help is to go through your hotel concierge. If you aren't staying in one of the high end hotels, try calling the Four Seasons concierge and ask them to recommend a florist. Personally I'm not sure that ginger flowers and roses would look right together. I think something coral colored with ginger flowers would look good and I think something coarl colored with yellow flowers would look good. I'm not so sure about all 3 together. You should be able to get one ginger flower somewhere in Ohio. Try calling some florists and see if they have any or could get you one. Then you can put all 3 things together. Good luck with your search.
Reply:Here's one with similar colors- not sure how you'll work roses in...


These too:

Reply:Here are some photos:

Tropical......substitute red ginger for the hibiscus maybe and just add the yellow roses







best wishes.....................
Reply:Hi and congratulations on your upcoming wedding.

Have you been in touch with a florist in Kauai? That is the place I would start. All the colors sound beautiful to me. There are many tropical flowers that we do not have on the mainland that a florist in Kauai will be able to help you decide on. I would get in touch with someone in Kauai and they can guide you.

Good luck! I love Hawaii!!!
Reply:a florist can help you with this.
Reply:Hello and congrats!!



Hope that helps :)
Reply:Silly question, but have you posted on theknot.com in the Hawaii wedding section? I am getting married in Las Vegas and the Vegas knotties pointed me towards a wonderful florist there. She has emailed me pictures of things and is generally great.

Also, if you browse bios of people that were married there, you might be able to find something.

Good luck.
Reply:Where at in Ohio? That last name seems all too familiar!

I think those colors sound great together. It is difficult finding those flowers together in a bouquet. I did find some pics of ginger in pink.



Here quite a bit with the ginger but can't seem to find any with yellow roses as well.


It seems most bouquets that have tropical flowers in them do not have domestic flowers in them. This is really hard to find.

I really think that sounds beautiful together, the colors and the flowers! Good Luck
Reply:Here is a very pretty one, I am sure you could work the yellow roses into it. I think they are a very sweet touch.


Personally this is my favorite from what I have found..


I really like stargazer lilies, but they are very popular and pretty common for tropical weddings...not something to use if you are looking to do something different, but they do look good with roses.

Best wishes and Congrats!

EDIT- Is there another florist in Kauai that may be more personable? I would feel a bit upset of they weren't making an effort to make this something special too...or at least act like it.

What's the name of the 1980's manga cartoon?

About a girl shipwrecked on an island with her family. They build a treehouse and learn what they need to survive. Her name was Flo in Italian dubbed version. She wore a tropical flower in her hair.

What's the name of the 1980's manga cartoon?
Swiss Family Robinson: Flone of the Mysterious Island.
Reply:Italian "L'isola della picolla Flo" . Japanese title Kazoku Robinson - Fushigina Shima no Flone
Reply:the family robinson???

Help With Vocab Homework?


clandestine contingency egocentric exonerate incongruous indigenous liability prolific reinstate superfluous


People who spend Christmas in Florida often find the decorations__________________________.Sa... Clause, sleighs, reindeer, and fir trees somehow seem______________to the North and look odd juxtaposed with palm trees and tropical flowers

When a million dollars mysteriously vanished, the company decided to fire its accountant. But he was___________(e)d and ____________________(e)d in his position when the cause was discovered to be a computer malfunction.

The___________________author has just come out with her fiftieth novel. Although she publishes numerous books, her writing style remains tight, with no ___________________ words.

The foreman is so_____________________that he has become a _____________________ to the company. Concerned only with his own needs, he's oblivious to the needs of the workers.

Help With Vocab Homework?
I won't do it all for you. I'll just do some of them:

People who spend Christmas in Florida often find the decorations___________________... Clause, sleighs, reindeer, and fir trees somehow seem__indigenous__to the North and look odd juxtaposed with palm trees and tropical flowers

When a million dollars mysteriously vanished, the company decided to fire its accountant. But he was___________(e)d and ___reinstated___(e)d in his position when the cause was discovered to be a computer malfunction.

The___________________author has just come out with her fiftieth novel. Although she publishes numerous books, her writing style remains tight, with no ___superfluous____ words.

The foreman is so___egocentric____that he has become a _____________________ to the company. Concerned only with his own needs, he's oblivious to the needs of the workers.
Reply:Well apparently you need the answers if you asked, so....Here it is...Hope I get an A.

People who spend Christmas in Florida often find the decorations indigenous. Santa Clause, sleighs, reindeer, and fir trees somehow seem incongruous to the North and look odd juxtaposed with palm trees and tropical flowers

When a million dollars mysteriously vanished, the company decided to fire its accountant. But he was exonerated and reinstated in his position when the cause was discovered to be a computer malfunction.

The prolific author has just come out with her fiftieth novel. Although she publishes numerous books, her writing style remains tight, with no superfluous words.

The foreman is so egocentric that he has become a liability to the company. Concerned only with his own needs, he's oblivious to the needs of the workers.
Reply:look the words up and define them in the dictionary lazy bum

Start java

Can anyone help me identify a plant?

It's a beautiful plant with pink flowers,but it's not cherry blossoms,it seeds come in shells just like the delonix regia but it leaves are not the same as the delonix regia(flame tree) or (flamboyant).

does anyone know the plant i think it only grows in tropical and subtropical climates.

Can anyone help me identify a plant?
http://www.floridata.com/index.cfm This site may help.
Reply:Please send a picture.

It challenges me (so I like it) to identify plants but send a picture.

What tree (wild) has jagged leaves grouped in threes?

I have a flower bed in front of my house and this tree has grown just out of no where, almost from underneath the house. It looks kind of tropical, but the leaves look like they might be poisonous. Could it possibly be poison oak or something like that? The leaves are grouped in 3's and they are jagged.

What tree (wild) has jagged leaves grouped in threes?
Check the pics of Box Elder at the link. Box Elder usually has leaves divided into 5 parts but juveniles might only have them in 3s.
Reply:Souds like a box elder tree but can't be sure without more info.
Reply:well, first you want to be sure that it's a tree. Poison Ivy, especially when young, can throw up woody shoots a foot or so high. Other possibilities can include a compound-leaved maple relative called Box-Elder, or Blackberry or Raspberry varieties (but they'll have thorns on the stem, of course). If it's growing like a tree, then I'd be inclined to go with Box-Elder (although where you live might have something to say about that). Look for green shoots and branches. If you're not sure whether it's poison ivy, pick off a leaf cluster using a plastic bag or such and take it to an agricultural agent or a landscaper or such to look at. Most people who spend a lot of time in the outdoors (including Boy Scouts, hunters and field biologists) know how to tell poison ivy.

I am having a Pirate themed party, and decoration ideas?

It is my sweet sixteen party and i love pirates of the caribbean. I am leaning more towards a traditional pirates of the caribbean like from the 17th and 18th cetury. Does anybody have any ideas on decoations, centerpieces, invites, etc..... anythin would be helpfull this is what i have so far but i need more.......•lush greenery like palms, tropical flowers and coconuts (coins here and there)


•pirate flags

•paper dipped in tea and then singed at the end for invites

•empty bottles with paper inside for Decoration

•burlap sacks for goody bags

•big treasure chest in the bag with the presents inside and one with jewels

•empty wooden kegs

•Signs saying “ye be warned” “turn around now etc….

•oil lamps


•bamboo torches

I am having a Pirate themed party, and decoration ideas?
girl...sounds like you gor it all planned out...you are clever...congrats and happy sweet 16!
Reply:Need skeletons all dressed up by the treasure chests.
Reply:Find everything you need for cheap at www.orientaltrading.com

For a fun gift idea or for you to wear to your awesome party, check out www.breezybeachwear.com and click on "surf accessories." They have an awesome pink swarovski cyrstal pirate necklace! They will start selling one in gold and black next week!
Reply:Baked parrot always goes over well.
Reply:just purchase lots of rum.
Reply:Don't forget your torn shirts and eye-patches! Go to http://www.diynetwork.com/ to see what else you can do. It's a great resource site. Also do a search on google.
Reply:Are you born on Sept 19? That's Talk like a pirate day. Then you can force everyone to dress AND talk like a pirate. If they don't then give them a sash with Pirate names (like Long John Silver or whatever). Speak in pirate speak - check the speak like a pirate website. It also has lots of interesting piratey stuff.

Noticed in the grocery shop that there's cereals now with johnny depp on them for Pirates. Buy some and stuff.

Dave Barry also has a book "So you want to be a Pirate". check it out for more ideas as well and have fuN!

How about a scavenger hunt game thing?

Really cool idea btw, since i'ts so close to Halloween, I'm sure you can get more Pirate type ideas from a halloween themed store as well. Happy birthday!
Reply:Cute ideas - I would make a sheet cake and decorate it like a treasure chest - and used all sorts of candies as the jewels on top.

Also - fish net is really cheap and would be cute as table cloth and also to drape over things. Shells as serving dishes would be cute. You could make a virgin rum drink - using a tropical fruit flavored mixer and instead of adding rum - add rum extract (buy in the baking section of grocery store) - they make great drinks!

I would buy some cheap material and tear it up to make sashes or head wraps for everyone to wear. Eye patches - make them out of black craft foam and stapled stretchy cord. Toy pirate swords would be fun. Set up a wooden plank to see who will walk the plank.

Also WalMart sells a pirates of the carribean dice game - like they played in the movie - it comes with four gnarly looking dice cups and skeletal looking dice. It would be fun to play. Chocolate coins for betting would be fun too.

You can get pirate hooks - like 12 for 5.00 from Oriental trading company - go on line to get a catelog or order! Happy birtyday!

Anyone know ??

I don't really know too much about tropical flowers, I am tanned and was looking to get a vibrant colored tropical scence tattoo on my upper arm/shoulder. I was wondering of anyone knew of any flowers or tropical scenes with vibrant colors.

Anyone know ??
How about this one...

Reply:if you can find an artist who is a rad free hander...get them to just free hand a flower and tell them to have fun with the colors but that you want them to be insanly bright and vibrant...
Reply:Try a hibiscus. They are widely known as tropical and you can get them in almost any color.
Reply:water lily's are always so beautiful.

shoes stock

Tropical plants. pherangapan?

starts with one single stalk then other stalks (like cigars ) appear with huge green upright leaves/when begins blooming small rolled green buds appear then beautiful smelling small flowers ( like some kind of orchaid appears.

Tropical plants. pherangapan?
You could mean Plumeria (common name Frangipani) is a small genus of 7-8 species native to tropical and subtropical America. See this link together with pictures of each species:


What kind of shampoo do you girls use?

does it smell good?

im looking for something like its fruity / tropical/ flower-ey? lol

What kind of shampoo do you girls use?
Garnier, definitely. And for my skin, I love Breezy Beach Wear's new line of real fruit bath bars! The Coco Nutty is to die for!

Reply:I use whatever is available. Mostly, I use whatever shampoo I, or my mother has collected from hotels or samples from the sites, a couple it with Garnier Fructis conditioner, that I got at Walgreens, free after rebate. However, I do use a Suave Professionals that I like well (shampoo and conditioner) and I like Dove, but it's expensive. (I'm using a bottle that I got awhile ago, on sale with double coupons for only $1; I have two bottles waiting after that.)

I guess I'm at an age/stage in my life where I don't care as much. I know what will usually look good (i.e., the Suave, the Dove and usually White Rain with the GF; I also have some GF shampoo/conditioner), and save those for when I do want to look good. However, I just use whatever is avaliable. If I don't like the way my hair looks, it goes into a ponytail.
Reply:I use Pantene Restoratives and it smells really good but anything from Pantene smells good!
Reply:Welllllll...my personal favorite is Pantene Pro-V formula. Ir's amazing to make your hair silky and thick. But if your looking for an absolutely to-die-for tropical smell I deffinitly reccomend Garnier Fructis. Truth is though, they're both quite expensive compared to suave and other brands.
Reply:i like suave. it just has a nice clean smell 2 it.
Reply:Pantene Pro V Smooth and Sleek, smells good 2!

Also Sunsilk for an better smell, but it doen'st work as good. use it once in a while. good luck and thanks for reading.
Reply:I usually go with biosilk (love it) and the products that go along with it. Its good if you use heat to style your hair.

I also use the new sunsilk. Its cheaper and work well against frizz.
Reply:I like to use matrix biolage....i love the way it smells and its good for color treated hair..
Reply:I like the pink sunsilk, it makes your hair soft and shiney. Smells great!
Reply:I use sunsilk, its smells good but not friuty or anything. I also use Aussies 3 minute miracle it doe wounders
Reply:garnier fructis sleek and shine is the best! it smells wonderful and it keeps ur hair shiny and smooth and not oily!
Reply:Then you will love GARNIER FRUCTIS Shampoo and Conditioners!

They smell like what you want, plus great for the hair.

I also use TRESEMME which is amazing too, but it's not the tropical smell u want, but it's still yummy!!!
Reply:pantene ice shine smells o so delicious!!!.....lol, but it smells like a tropical drink or something. i don't use it because my hair needs deeper treatment cuz of dryness, but my mom bought it just to try it out and i can't stop smelling the stuff. just go to the store and open it and take a wiff. if u like it buy it. also aussie products smell really tropical and good too! Aussie's like known for their signature smell. some may say its too strong, but i like it.

Forcing Tulip bulbs to bloom year after year in a non tulip zone?

I bought some Darwin tulip bulbs last October in Dallas, Tx and I brought them to my tropical country and I forced them to start blooming right in this month. I putted them in the fridge for 3 months and now I planted them in a big pot that can accomodate them well. 18 of 20 bulbs grew and already 4 are producing flowers.

I want know if I can keep doing this year after year, and what is the perfect way to make them bloom well and profusely? I want to know the total procedure in order to avoid any mistake. I heard that you have to leave all leaves until they get dry then you can take them from the soil and repeat the sequence.

Thanks to everybody!!

Edgar Rossal

Forcing Tulip bulbs to bloom year after year in a non tulip zone?
I live in Australia and most people have to do what you did with tulips to grow them well here. If you leave them in the ground permanently they grow oddly, stunted and the flower stalk is a lot shorter.

After the chilling in the fridge (yes every year), which they need to duplicate the conditions in their natural environment, plant. When the bulbs start to emerge from the ground, use a good quality bulb food at the recommended rates. Remember the health of the plant during the growing period, effects the bulb, and the bulb stores energy for next year. A healthy plant this year ensures good flowering next year.

Do not remove the leaves, they are feeding the bulb, let them die down naturally
Reply:Yes you still will have to do the refrigerator thing. Your wife may tire of bulbs in the fridge for so much of the year!

Try the types of tulip that are labeled "perennial tulips", or a different type that are labeled "species tulips". They return better in warm climates. Some bulb suppliers note in their catalogs which species tulips are better adapted to warmer winters, and I would definitely recommend sticking with their advice if trying to produce nice tulips again and again.
Reply:You have to buy new bulbs every year. Once a bulb has been forced, it doesn't alway bloom the next year.

What would be the best bridal bouquet for my wedding?

I live in the Philippines a tropical country but we have limited flower sources here.

What would be the best bridal bouquet for my wedding?
orchid, lily, roses would all be nice
Reply:tulips or hawaiiany flowers
Reply:dont listen to right on. thats just stupid. lillys make a really cute flowers.
Reply:Gardenias, jasmine are very pretty. You can even have some in your hair.
Reply:Don't let the name fool you...... have a florist send you from the U.S. next day air a bouquet of poison ivy.


Help with purchacing wedding supplies!?

I am getting married in July and I would like to know where a good place is to buy wedding supplies. I want to save money, so my budget is tight. I would like to find a nice place to buy tropical flower arrangements and bouquets. Someone please help me, becuase I need to buy this stuff before it's too late! Thanks!

Help with purchacing wedding supplies!?
Ebay is a top choice of mine. I've found a lot of items them. Also, other top places are dollar stores, craft stores (i.e. Hobby Lobby, Jo-Ann Fabrics, Michael's and Pat Catans). Try asking around on the Knot.com forums. People have used all different places to purchase items for the weddings. I know I have ordered from some places they suggested and had great results.

Places like Jo-Ann and Michael's always have 40%-50% off coupons in the newspaper and online. So that helps you save too. I bought over 100 artificial flowers for center pieces at Pat Catan's. I had to go to 2 or 3 stores to get all I needed, but at 65 cents and 75 cents a piece I am able to make some nice floral arrangements. At first I didn't want artificial flowers, but after seeing some of them and the prices of live floral arrangements, I changed my mind. There are a lot of artificial flowers that look real (but keep in mind, the more real they look, the higher price they can be.) The ones I am using look nice even though they were so cheap. I am putting them in silver julep cups which I got from a wholesale place.
Reply:Ebay was quite helpful to me when I was planning my wedding. Congratulations and best wishes.
Reply:when i got married i went to walmart and local craft stores. you can also check out www.orientaltrade.com
Reply:Ok do not tell anyone but....we went to the dollar store and got stuff.....shhhhhhhhh!
Reply:This website might help you my friend she bought her wedding supplies from this website and she saved alot of money www.orientaltrading.com Check it out!
Reply:my friend went to craft stores for silk flowers and made her own bouquets and arrangements..i don't personally like silk flowers, but they don't look bad
Reply:Go to thrift and resale shops. No one would know unless you told them.
Reply:You know how most grocery stores have a floral department, well I found getting my bouquets there was A LOT cheaper than getting them from a florist. They can order almost any flower you want.
Reply:If you have a Garden Ridge craft store nearby, go there. They have an entire section of crafts and accessories dedicated to weddings and they are really cost effective. It's a huge chain and should be easy to find on the internet.

I'm wondering what the name of a certain tropical tree is.?

The tree is used to attract butterflies and has long, bright pink, "finger-like" flowers.

I'm wondering what the name of a certain tropical tree is.?
Yep, could be the butterfly bush, or buddleia (Buddleia davidii). The flowers can also be blue, white or purple.

You often see it growing wild alongside railways or roads / wasteground. It came from China originally.
Reply:Could it be a "butterfly bush"

What is a good name for Garden Web Page or Blog?

I am starting my first garden blog focussing on the bullets below. Can you come up with an interesting title/name? Be creative, the bullets are just to give an idea, and that it's not a regular veggie blog.









Someone Mentioned:


You Grow Girl (already taken)

Green Hand or Feet

The Breeding Ground

Flower Power

I am not so sure yet. Please help me :) I have a brain cloud. Thanks much!

What is a good name for Garden Web Page or Blog?
Cute idea, as is word play.

Loam grown

Down and dirty

Green side UP

I could work on this for hours, but won't. I wish you well in your callouses.

Steven Wolf
Reply:......."the speech of flowers"........
Reply:The Latest Dirt
Reply:Pot Heads
Reply:hey, i posted this once and it didn't take--or was it removed? anyway, if you eliminate the last bullet point, the anagram METURFT is the result. that was my suggestion.
Reply:Use keyword research to find a good title so that your blog comes up in the search results :
Reply:weed 'em and reap

fronds and anemones

back to the fuschia

stigma enigma

the sublime thyme

the topical tropical

loam home

hebe jeebies

loess is more

sown in soil

sow n go

Making my own Artifical Bouquets?

I want to make my own artifical bouquets... But i want brilliant blues and teals.... can you die the artifical flowers? or is there any sites i can pick out my own one by one i prefeer tropical flowers hibiscus or roses .... help would be great thanx!

Making my own Artifical Bouquets?
Use a water-based floral spray paint on any flowers made of a porous fabric. Water-based floral paints are not toxic or flammable like regular spray paints, and they don't make the silk stiff, as many other paints do. If you are buying flowers specifically to paint them, look for the low-cost white petals rather than the more expensive colored ones.


Shake the can of paint for one minute, then spray each flower lightly. If the color is too intense, spray the wet paint with water to dilute it.

Let each flower dry for 30 minutes, or use a hair dryer for faster results.

To add a second color to the edges of the petals, spray the paint into a pan or bowl, and dip the edges of the petals into it. To soften the color, spray the flower with water.
Reply:Most craft stores offer a wide variety of colorful silk flowers. It would save a lot of time on your wedding date, and the flowers won't wilt or die!
Reply:Here are some sites.





I think some of them you have to buy more than one stem, but you'll probably need more than one anyways.
Reply:hobby lobby!! or try a craft store or even ebay. good luck and congrats!
Reply:Check out hobby lobby or michaels they have all sorts of colors, and may even be able to get you in other colors if they don't have the ones you want.

check out this place. they have great artificial flowers they will make for you and its not that expensive. they email you what your order looks like before they ship it so you know what your getting.
Reply:Google it you can find anything that way. You might also want to check with craft stores in your area even check with Wal-Mart, some of them have a large artificial flower selection. Also remember that if you don't see it in the store that does not mean that they can not order a special kind or color for you.

apply for a loan

Another poem of mine - any comment/critique?

I accidently posted this under the wrong category - it should have been here.


O Woman, I look at your beauty

Your skin..... of ebony color

Moist with sweat, glittering much

Like silk, like velvet

Is to my masters touch.

I look at your body

The forms of your figure

So perfect, so fine....

Down to your hips

I see you all bare

I gaze and I mumble.....

I see you don't mind

My ill restrained trembling

My wondrous stare.

I look at your face

Your fine curved lips

And murmur your name....

Like Mother-of-Pearl

Unreal seems the shine

That fathomless shimmer

In your eyes

In the light

Of the flickering flame.

To the music you dance

Small beads of sweat

pearl down your face

For - the rhythm so throbbing

Had quickened its pace

You turn in closes circles

My senses are captured....

Ever so flowing

Your body is swaying

Moving with uttermost grace.

You woman, beautiful woman

Proud as you are....

You still are eluding

So innocent, simple

The way you do smile

The ring of your giggles

Like music your name.....

You really don't care

You do not feel shame.

But your expressions, gestures

I feel are conveying

Sweet secrets you

They tell without words

What cannot be told......

Your heart, ageless and free

It has touched my soul

I see - it is prone

I know it gave something

For not anymore

I feel so alone.

That night I was happy

One with the music

The Earth - your beautiful song

The fragrance of tropical flowers

The rhythmical stomping of feet

The heavy moist air

Vibrating to the drummers

All powerful beat.

From far off lands I came to you

A restless mind in youthful vigor

Woman of mysterious nature

That other part of mine......

To seek adventure, leave behind

The boredom, dead end routines

The fancy heaps of useless glitter!

One principle in pride pursued

The precious freedom I do treasure

Confronted by desire, pleasure....

I wonder how.... again is waning?

To share there is a price to pay -

And so is there for failing

Your woman's inborn magic art

Again this time it has subdued

Has overcome my shield and guard.

For untold lifetimes I am learning....

That painful search before and after

When passions rise from glowing embers

Then light up bright and die-off burning

Thus leaving puffs of hazy smoke

The cloudy nature of this yearning

That sting of sweet intoxication

Which.... flashy burst of wisdom hint

In moments of rare revelation

Between those states of sweetened weakness

Are nothing but the bitter fruit

Of falsified indoctrination

Created life...... imagination.

I suffered, learned, enriched my soul

Received what I could find

I found you on the way my friend

On which there is no end in time

.... In search of peace of mind.

O woman - knowing and so sure

As long as we are different

In body, mind (and) what drapes the soul

Unless we both are one

Against your charm there is no cure!


Another poem of mine - any comment/critique?
Yes, I do prefer this one...except for (I am being negative again...), the last line! Which I think is a little clichéd, compared to what precedes ("what drapes the soul", which I really like).
Reply:That was awesome! Wonderful job! I loved it. Keep up the good work.
Reply:VERY descriptive
Reply:Wow, Sigi H, you're a perv.

Another one of my poems - any comments?


O Woman, I look at your beauty

Your skin..... of ebony color

Moist with sweat, glittering much

Like silk, like velvet

Is to my masters touch.

I look at your body

The forms of your figure

So perfect, so fine....

Down to your hips

I see you all bare

I gaze and I mumble.....

I see you don't mind

My ill restrained trembling

My wondrous stare.

I look at your face

Your fine curved lips

And murmur your name....

Like Mother-of-Pearl

Unreal seems the shine

That fathomless shimmer

In your eyes

In the light

Of the flickering flame.

To the music you dance

Small beads of sweat

pearl down your face

For - the rhythm so throbbing

Had quickened its pace

You turn in closes circles

My senses are captured....

Ever so flowing

Your body is swaying

Moving with uttermost grace.

You woman, beautiful woman

Proud as you are....

You still are eluding

So innocent, simple

The way you do smile

The ring of your giggles

Like music your name.....

You really don't care

You do not feel shame.

But your expressions, gestures

I feel are conveying

Sweet secrets you

They tell without words

What cannot be told......

Your heart, ageless and free

It has touched my soul

I see - it is prone

I know it gave something

For not anymore

I feel so alone.

That night I was happy

One with the music

The Earth - your beautiful song

The fragrance of tropical flowers

The rhythmical stomping of feet

The heavy moist air

Vibrating to the drummers

All powerful beat.

From far off lands I came to you

A restless mind in youthful vigor

Woman of mysterious nature

That other part of mine......

To seek adventure, leave behind

The boredom, dead end routines

The fancy heaps of useless glitter!

One principle in pride pursued

The precious freedom I do treasure

Confronted by desire, pleasure....

I wonder how.... again is waning?

To share there is a price to pay -

And so is there for failing

Your woman's inborn magic art

Again this time it has subdued

Has overcome my shield and guard.

For untold lifetimes I am learning....

That painful search before and after

When passions rise from glowing embers

Then light up bright and die-off burning

Thus leaving puffs of hazy smoke

The cloudy nature of this yearning

That sting of sweet intoxication

Which.... flashy burst of wisdom hint

In moments of rare revelation

Between those states of sweetened weakness

Are nothing but the bitter fruit

Of falsified indoctrination

Created life...... imagination.

I suffered, learned, enriched my soul

Received what I could find

I found you on the way my friend

On which there is no end in time

.... In search of peace of mind.

O woman - knowing and so sure

As long as we are different

In body, mind (and) what drapes the soul

Unless we both are one

Against your charm there is no cure!


Another one of my poems - any comments?
That is a very good tribute to the beauty of woman; it also puts me in mind of "No Images" by Langston Hughes---a much shorter poem, but one that carries as deep a sentiment. If you've never read it, please check it out.
Reply:wow, thats amazin how long did it take to write whay are so of your othe poems

What is this plant?

We moved into a new house and there are some bushes in our front yard that we can't figure out what they are. At first we thought they were rosebushes, but they are not. The wood and stems look like that of rose bushes, but there are no thorns. The leaves are a dark glossy green, they look a little like holly leaves, just smaller. We live in Utah, and the bushes are planted in full sun. Our neighbors said that when the people that lived here before put them in last year, that the bushes were beautiful, with tropical looking flowers, but that the day after they planted them the deer came and ate them at night. So now they look like a poodle's fur does with patches of leaves then bare stems and more patches of leaves. They haven't gotten any flowers yet. I don't know if the deer are still eating them and that is why they don't seem to be filling in or what. But if anyone has any idea what they could be please let me know. I have looked and haven't found anything. Thanks!

What is this plant?
Buy and gun and kill those deer.
Reply:Hi, maybe they are Gardenias! But the full sun doesn't sound right. Maybe their Hibiscis...but the disription of the leaves doen't match either. Well, I just don't know for sure now, I thought Gardenias, than Hibiscis, Gosh, Don't ever take me shopping! I can never make up my mind! Bye
Reply:Are the leaves oval ? Or more like Oak or Holly? Wasn't sure if you meant shape or color ? If you mean color , maybe Cherry Laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) ? If shape , maybe Osmanthus ? I'll see if I can find pics . A little out of my element , discussing Utah %26amp; arid landscapes. I do know of one variety of nearly thornless rose ,' Zephrine Drouhin'. I wouldn't call that 'tropical-looking' , but have heard even more incongruent descriptions of things .****

Gracie could be right . I thought of that, but "leaves like holly " made me put it aside . That it? If they were constantly chewed , the leaves could be %26lt; 1" . Have seen that .




****On Mothers' Day Sat, had a guy ask for " Those tropical-looking chartruese things that you have every year . My mom really likes 'em ." Me : (non-verbally) "Huh?" As it was a guy,(color-blind?) %26amp; he might have seen it not fully open , I showed him everything yellow, or white . "No! Not it , besides, it was chartreuse. " ( How many Bubba-types do you ever hear saying "chartreuse"?;D I went a got a bunch of stuff , that wasn't ready , so not in the public greenhouses ) "Nope " I went for one more thing that was in with the houseplants. "No, we found it , hiding down in the corner I guess it was a chartruesy red . That might have confused you."

It was a magenta-colored geranium . Me , in my head : "Oh, the magenta-chatreuse, not the chartreuse-chartreuse. How stupid of me! ;D"
Reply:Maybe a swamp hibiscus?


How to condition an elephant ear leaf for display in a flower show.?

An elephant ear is a very large plant grown from a bulb. It ia a tropical plant.

How to condition an elephant ear leaf for display in a flower show.?
You can also use mineral oil on the leaf. Use cotton and not a rag for wipes and do it a day or two before the show.
Reply:My grandmother used to rub mayonaise or baby oil on her leaves to make them shine.

safety boots

What materials do you like that are from the 1920's,1930's ,1940's,and 1950's?

I love the huge flowered prints...some for the recliners,and rugs, and other ideas....now they use them for purses...I think that they are very tropical looking and really beautiful! I only have small pieces of them, thru a grandparent..who passed away! But, I love 'em! I have a feeling that I must have lived another life in that time era, or something...because that stuff is really beautiful and classy to me! LOL!

What materials do you like that are from the 1920's,1930's ,1940's,and 1950's?
Almost anything to do with a kitchen from the 30's and 40's. I love egg-beaters with red wooden handles. Enamelware pots, colanders, cups, bowls and storage tins. I love Fiestaware too! Black and white tile kitchen floors. The boomerang design on kitchen tables and countertops. The 50's-style kitchen table with the metal edging around it and vinyl chairs (especially red!) Home-made curtains with a frilly edge on the windows. Salt and pepper shakers that look like hens and roosters. Glass milk bottles. Shiny chrome and brightly colored small appliances, like a Kitchenaid stand mixer.

Ahhh, a trip down memory lane in my grandmother's kitchen ~ Thank you!
Reply:From those eras, I especially enjoy old books. The oldest one I do own is from 1885. I also have several hand-painted with watercolors, post cards that could be pre-dated to the 20's or 30's. I have them in an album. My friend is 91 years old, and passed them down to me since he has no family. We also had an old collection of 78's and 45's, which were records made to play on old windup radios/stereos with the big horn at the end. My sister also has a very old Singer sewing machine with the kick pump on the bottom. I like antiques, but mostly books, magazines, and post cards. Oh, I forgot...In California, I went into this empty Victorian home by myself. I went to the basement. On the shelf I found an old San Francisco newspaper with the headlines: GOERRING CHEATS DEATH, with a photo of Herrman Goering after he had committed suicide in prison. It was dated in 1947.
Reply:Funnily enough, its the tiny cotton prints of the 30s that I love the best! Little calicoes...

And silk stockings (the idea, I have never seen any! Too fragile to stand the test of time I guess)
Reply:i like modern wood tones with older antique dishes and fiesta ware is the bomb i love cast iron and any thing to do with the kitchen. i really like milk glass. and carnival glass

Mixture for germinating seeds?

I live in a remote area (tropical) and am having trouble germinating some flower seeds. I have available a fairly good topsoil, sand, and a composted mix sold in bags.

What is the best proportion of these that will give me the best results?

Mixture for germinating seeds?
I don't think topsoil is good for germinating seeds cause it can cause fungus.

For germinating seeds, you will need 1/3 pearlite, 1/3 vermiculate, and 1/3 Peat Moss (Canadian Sphagnum)
Reply:This works well for most seeds,

1/4 corse sand, 1/4 peat moss, 1/4 vermiculite, 1/4 perlite.

also use a heating mat to provide even heating of the soil. keep the soil evenly moist, and give either sun light or artificial light as some seeds need light to germinate. also, some seeds don't need buried, check your seed packet, many flower seeds need sprinkled on the surface of the soil.
Reply:There are several things to consider about germinating seeds. First, NO FERTILIZER when you are trying to get them to germinate.

I go to a garden store and buy peat pellets which expand once wet. Peat retains moisture well, so it'll stay damp for a long time. The peat pellets come in containers that look like egg holders, and have a top that helps keep moisture and heat in.

You can also buy a gel that will help you get your plants started.

Last, read the seed package. It might be that your plants need warmer soil to germinate, in which case you'll need to buy a seedling heater or place your peat pellets on a radiator or hot water heater. Some plants actually need total darkness to germinate.

Hope that helps!
Reply:You can use the paper towel method. Wet a paper towel and ring it out so it is damp. place the seeds on the paper towel and fold it over them. Fold it enough to put in a sandwich size ziplock baggie. Check every couple of days until they sprout. Then plant in your favorite potting soil. Keep soil moist and your plant should be up in no time. Also check to see if the seeds need light to germinate. That may be your problem if you are covering them with soil. If they are suppose to be surface sown, they need light.


Just came back from Florida?

From NY area, I want to plant tropical-carribean, type flowers/greenery in my back yard. Any suggestions?

Just came back from Florida?
Hibiscus is always an option. There are the tropical versions that you will need to take inside in the winter and there is the perennial version, however, I'm not certain that it is hardy enough for a NY winter. It is hardy zones 5-10. Another options is to use potted palms and other plants that you can bring in for the winter.

Pictures of perennial hibiscus:


Large site for exotic house plants:


Elephant ears and Caladium are very tropical as well.

Pics of Caladium:

Reply:hibiscus,bromelaids,xmas palms, all asst palms are great for the tropical feel,
Reply:Sptfyr's right on the money with hibiscus. We grow some zone 4 varieties here in SD, so your NY climate should be ok. Be sure to mulch them heavily in the wintertime, though. One hard freeze will kill them, zone 4 or not.

The only other options that occur to me are ferns. Everything else I can think of will need to be taken in come fall, and that fills a house up in a hurry.
Reply:There are many plants that do well as houseplants in New York that get to be monsters in Florida.

The most readily available is Pathos, a vine that if you let it run up a tree here has huge leaves, but with less light and a brandy sniffer will grow very well.

Another that you will see a lot in Malls is Ficus Bengemina, or rarely Natilla that also grow huge in tropics but make great bonsai up north.

I was given a banana tree that I thought was just badly treated as it was only a foot tall but ,as it is in the yard, apparently they don't get any bigger . I am not sure where you would find one.

There is a cactus Selenicereus grandiflorus (though Google seems not to hit exactly on mine) with stunning flowers but only one night a year that grows outside as far north as Houston so would only need to come in in the coldest weather and the flowers are spectacular, though only at the summer solstice at midnight..


Name for my business - ideas?

I am starting a business selling hand painted canvases at local markets by local artists (Sunshine Coast Qld). However, I want to make a website as well and would like a catchy name. Most of the art will be of tropical flowers, plants, beach scenes etc. - the tropical lifestyle.

Any ideas??

Name for my business - ideas?
How about "Picture This", or perhaps "Going Tropical", or "Topically Tropical", "Framed on Landscapes", or even "Tropically Framed", or any variation of the above. Hope this helps.
Reply:I make websites and can do for you at discounted rate :-)
Reply:coast canvases
Reply:tropical oasis or tropical paradise or tropical designs or tropical wonders or ocean views

I need an outfit to wear to a pool party!!!?

My neighbors are throwing a birthday party for this 6 year old in their backyard and want me to come. (I am freinds with the family) There will be this whole waterslide thing and waterbaloon toss. i am going to wear a bikini that is teal and has tropical flowers on it. But the big question is WHAT TYPE OF OUTFIT SHOULD I WEAR OVER THE BIKINI???? I want it to be casual and not look like I tried too hard but i still want too look good!!! Also it might get wet............and about a quarter of the party might be hanging out inside.

THX THX THX THX for the help you are giving me!!!!!!

I need an outfit to wear to a pool party!!!?
Anything sutible to wear around 6 year olds...? i would just wear a pair of denim short over it to be honest
Reply:ur welcome how was the party ne ways?? Report It

Reply:go in a pair of shorts with a tank or cami.
Reply:They sell bathing suit cover ups that look like really pretty dresses.
Reply:I have some really cute Hollister and American Eagle clothes that im trying to get rid of. Most of them are in really good condition.

So you should come to Fredericksburg ,VA ,and buy some of them.
Reply:Yes a cute dress or swim cover up. Here are some examples:



I love the second one best!
Reply:a tank top and Capri's


a sun dress
Reply:try some nice white Capri's (loose Capri's) and a white shirt or a bright summer like shirt (the shirt should be a tank top) ooooohhh and have fun at the party.
Reply:wear a skirt over the bottoms and wear a cami
Reply:Hey there! I would wear short shorts since it will probably be hot, or if you arent comfortable with those, wear white or jean bermuda shorts! Then, wear a simple tank top on top and flip flops. Don't dress like your going to the mall, cuz it's a little kids pool party, you know? Stick to da basics!

Good Luck!
Reply:since you cant buy anything today, just wear some shorts that are old but still look good and a t-shirt. nothing fancy. no ones gonna care so much about how you look.
Reply:Well, A few questions you should ask yourself is the budget and what exactly are you willing to spend. If you really want to look great I think you should check out your local Hollister store. maybe a short jean skirt which they have plenty of and a cute hollister cami/tank/ or polo whichever would be suitable for the weather or your budget. With this store you are sure to look trendy and cute and not like you tried too hard. If mini skirts aren't your style you could try a pair of shorts which hollister has plenty of!! In great colors as well.!!

Good Luck and have fun!!
Reply:wear a cute summer dress over it

Mixture for germinating seeds?

I live in a remote area (tropical) and am having trouble germinating some flower seeds. I have available a fairly good topsoil, sand, and a composted mix sold in bags.

What is the best proportion of these that will give me the best results?

Mixture for germinating seeds?
The sand has to be clean. No road salt in it.

The topsoil has to be dry, and fine, the sand also should be dry.

The composte should also be fine and dry.

Then try 1/2 topsoil 1/4 sand 1/4 compost.

Then, CAREFULLY add a little water. You want to dampent the mix without getting it wet, as in mud.

A much simpler solution would be to buy some Jiffy Mix at a garden store. Inexpensive, and works well for most things.
Reply:As you live in a tropical area it would be interesting to know what you are trying to germinate

Here in the UK we grow wallflowers out side, in South Africa they have to grow wallflowers in a shaded poly tunnel
Reply:Place a few layers of paper towels in a shallow bowl, place seeds on paper, then cover with a few more layers of paper towels Make sure to keep moist, and the seeds will germinate. Be very carefull when trying to plant in soil medium. I use small tweezers for this stage and have had very good luck.
Reply:what do you intend to grow.
Reply:OK, you'd be talking a starter mix. 50% Peat Moss, 25% Perlite and 25% Vermiculite. This is your basic mix which is good for acidic loving plants. If you need to sweeten the mix (less acidic), you'll need to add dolomite (agricultural lime), 1 tablespoon / 4 liter vol. (gallon). Using garden soil is not recommended until transplanting.

Football Shoes

What would you think of a girl like this...?

Her skin is the color of heated sugar, carmalized with intense thought and expression. She goes through the room leaving a colorful smell of tropical flowers and fruits. Her hair smells of lemons as she turns her head looking at what the artistic world has got left to offer diffusing the atmosphere with the scent of citrus. Her body is curvy yet her waist is thin. She smiles in a dream like state as she picks up a book to read and sits by the window reflecting a glorious sunshine...

What would you think of a girl like this...?
she sounds fairy-tale-ish
Reply:Thanks. Now, I'm hungry.
Reply:Beautiful, you go girl, your on a roll LOL
Reply:I would guess that she's an island girl.
Reply:Where is she? I'd like to meet her.

Edit: And your point is?
Reply:Sounds like Esther from the Book of Esther. You should read what the women did to themselves for several months in preparing to see the king.
Reply:yes i like
Reply:She sounds exotic...and delicious, yummy!
Reply:I think you're very insecure and you're seeking the approval of other people in order to feel content.
Reply:Sounds beautiful but I can't really follow what your saying, it is just a very dreamy writing style...I love that though, it lets you open your mind
Reply:I'm straight but she sounds beautiful!
Reply:Yum! Is she single?

Redecorating . . .???

so, i am a ten year old girl who is trying to redecorate her bedroom.

my mom has sort of agreed, but she's not completely sure.

right now my room has all matching furniture: light wood with dinky little flowers painted all over them. *sigh*

i am repainting my walls aqua blue, and my cieling light yellow.

i am hoping to get a hawaii/beach theme. you know, with palm trees, tropical flowers . . .

i REALLY want to do this, but my mom really doesn't.

i NEED help finding some cheap websites with beachy/hawaiian stuff.

if you can give me links/websites, that would be GREAT!!

thank you so much to people who answer this!!!

Redecorating . . .???

has lots of cheap, cool, beachy/hawaiian stuff.

3/4 sleeve on right arm?

I am looking for a tattoo artist to draw up a design for my arm - 3/4 length sleeve, complete coverage, of tropical flowers and greens. I have a few other tattoos that were done my an x-manfriend/tattoo artist. I've never had to be concerned with finding an artist I trust. I'm looking for a talented artist and a fair price. My location: Milwaukee, WI. Any suggestions? Recommendations? Thanks.

3/4 sleeve on right arm?
I think clamshell has the locations covered ....I would look at each of them and ask lots of questions and be prepared to pay up front for design work done on paper (though some places will add this toward the cost of the actual tattoo if you decide to get it done) .....don't go with the lowest quote while pricing your sleeve....look for the best artist for you (you will know it when you see it)

good luck
Reply:I live in Waukegan Illinois, know where that is? Anyway, I don't know your area too good, but I know a few places around Kenosha that are good. This one place called Borderline is good. That is one I like. Get out your phonebook though, and look up some and ask around about the reputation of the artist.


they show artists work.

Also find a yellow pages or directory and look a few up some should have their own websites.
Reply:finding a good and reputable artist is a lengthy but well worth while process. The best recommendation in my mind is word of mouth, do you know anyone who has work you admire that you could ask? i would look around, i would walk up to a complete stranger in the street and ask them if i saw work i liked, its happened to me, its a huge compliment and no one will mind you asking, if this fails, i would ask your ex manfriend, your friendship/relationship may be over but it shows you still respect his work, i hope this is of some help, good luck
Reply:Starship Bodyworks LLC


4380 South 76th St.

Mil., WI. 53220

Tight Edges


3217 West Lincoln Ave.

Mil. , WI. 53215

Abbyss Tattoo


4208 South Howell Ave.

Mil. , WI%26gt; 53207

Tusunami Ink, LLC


1030 East Brandy St.

Mil. , WI. 53202

Adambomb Gal;lerie


2028 North Dr Martn Luthr King Dr

Mil., WI. 53212

All StarTat 2 Inc.


P.O.Box 100559

Mil. , WI. 53210

Altered Evolution

414) 302-1777

7234 West Greenfield Ave.

Mil. , WI. 53214

American Tattoo Studio


6726 West Morgan Ave.

Mil. , WI. 53220

Wild Rose Tattoo


3180 So. 27th St

Mil. , WI. 53215

Avant Garde


7219 West Greenfield Ave.

Mil. , WI. 53214
Reply:Just my opinion, I have found no tatoo to be as beautiful as a females skin.