Saturday, November 19, 2011

Which colors should I wear for prom makeup?

ok guys.. so I have the dress, the shoes, the purse, but I'mstuck on the makeup... my dress in aqua and short and fun and my purse,shoes,and wrap are all orange.. I'm also putting a tropical (fake) orange flower in my hair.. but I'm not sure which colors to do on my eyes and lips... I have bright green eyes and blonde hair.. I'll be tan (hopefully) by prom and i have subtle lips.. I need advice on if I should do myeyes aqua or orange or neither and which color i should do on my lips... i was thinkning a nice nudish orange with some gloss but any advice would be great.. thanks guys!

Which colors should I wear for prom makeup?
Personally, I think that you should use as little makeup as possible. But, a nice glittery gold eyeshadow would bring out your eyes. Don't overdo it though! Keep it nice and subtle. Your outfit seems to be very fun and tropical like, so I would suggest a nice light pink for the lips. Not necessarily pale, but not hot pink either. Balance it out for yourself. Also don't tan too much.

Hope I've helped.
Reply:go with a soft aqua on the eyes...not bright and line slightly darker. go for lots of black mascara. If your eyelashes are short you may opt to use a few fake eyelashes. Go for the the invidual lashes, they look more natural... a soft blush and nudish to slightly tinted lip gloss. This will make your eyes pop which will be good for prom........Have fun and take lots of pictures
Reply:green eyeshadow(aqua, sorry) and like u said, nude orange lipgloss. the eyeshadow should make ur eyes come out, and the nude is supposed to bring ur tan out, as well...i think, lol
Reply:well aqua and orange are kinda to tropicalish lol but thats

unique!! for your eyes i think u should wear pretty glitter .
Reply:do a nuetral color like tans or brwn cuz u already have alot of color going on and as for like color any kind of tinted gloss should be fine
Reply:wow....that's a grip load of colors....i think you should just go natural. ..... let the true beauty come out.
Reply:Im not sure if aqua and orange are a good combination.. should put orange because orange goes better with me i know
Reply:Prom Makeup Tips

Does anyone know the name of this flower?

When I was a little girl, we had a plant that grew little almond-shaped white/light yellow flower buds. I would pluck one of the closed buds and put it behind my ear. It would give off the best scent... it smelled like banana popsicles. :) I would love to add this plant to my tropical yard, but I do not know the name of the plant. Your help would be greatly appeciated! Thank you in advance!

Does anyone know the name of this flower?
It could possibly be a 'Michelia Figo' common name banana shrub.It's from the magnolia family.It's nice to have plants from your childhood.I'm collecting a few at the moment too so I hope this is helpful.The site I've provided shows a picture so it'll be easy to judge.
Reply:Could be a gardenia
Reply:Hi, could be a Gardenia,Bye

Nanny Source

Describe the scene out your bedroom window, from your grade school years.?

Mine was in Hawaii. We were on a Marine Corps base there, so my window looked out at a small mountian to the east. There were some fantastic sunrises.

I had a plumeria tree right out side my window, so that wonderful smell of blossoming tropical flowers was always in my room.

Describe the scene out your bedroom window, from your grade school years.?
my grade school looked out over the Niagara River and you could see Canada clearer than our lawn on the American side, if you were on the 3rd or 4th floor.

my bedroom window looks out to the house next door's wall.
Reply:wow that sounds amazing! I could see out into our back yard, the street which runs along it, into the neighbor's yard, a few houses near by,a little bit of a park across the way, and people strolling around... ^_^ And that's what I still see.
Reply:I could see the green house roof, the fort in my backyard and into my neighbor's window. ;)
Reply:Our backyard had a wooden fence, lots of trees and two small hills.
Reply:another house
Reply:When I was a kid, I could see the house next door (it was a little mobile, my dad owned it and rented it out) and then a really nice little view of the train tracks, which ran on a bridge across my road, and always the sunrise. It doesn't sound like an interesting view, but to me it was the whole world. My favorite time back then was always winter, when the whole place would be covered with snow and the trees would be bare of leaves. I also learned about how the earth moves by looking out my window, because it faced directly east. It was...just home :)
Reply:A house that was the worst blue color, funny its still that same color. Then right there outside my window was the neighbor's dogs house. That dog was so mean, really, he was a German shepherd, used to jump the fence and chase me. One time someone leaned on the fence and he jumped up and took a chunk out of the guys arm for no reason. I used to hear him bark at night and still remember having nightmares he's jump right thru my window and attacking me. Needless to say, I've never really liked German shepherds since.

What are other great centerpieces for my coffee table? Pls help. :)?

am so bored with dried flowers and candles.. any suggestions for unique centerpieces? :)

btw, i got a tropical setting of my living room.

What are other great centerpieces for my coffee table? Pls help. :)?
1. Tiki statue

2. cool piece of art/sculpture

3. bowl of fruit like lemons or pineapples

4. bowl of shells, or shells arranged in a modern dish with sand %26amp; rocks

5. small stack of good books (this is what is currently on my living room coffee table- I have a toddler and he was messing with the bowl of shells I had at one time)
Reply:Fresh flowers? Or wood items, something with a really nice interesting grain to it. Or maybe a few really beautiful books.
Reply:A really neat bowl maybe with some seashells. Candles are always a good idea. Get different sizes and put them on a glass bowl maybe filled with different colored flat marble like stones.
Reply:Buy a brown metal basket from Pier 1 Fill it with potpourri the dark kind I have more compliments from that
Reply:i found that decorating a flat mirror with pretty figurines maybe a doily and a small candle in a sconce is very attractive. and a great conversation piece as well.
Reply:try some kind of bamboo, like a bamboo candle holder since you like candles but are bored with plain candles, or try growing bamboo in a shallow decorative planter,and there are some palm trees that can be put in small planters and look very nice in a living room.
Reply:Hmm...a piece of driftwood maybe...a bowl full of candy (my idea of a good centerpiece), a parrot, a statue, a fish tank, food, a little cactus, balloons, a stick, a giant sculpture made of dishes piled on top of eachother...I dunno.
Reply:How about a really cool carved bowl with dried fruit (or fresh fruit) in it.
Reply:a pewter fish or something made out of pewter that will compliment the room.
Reply:water fall,fish bowl lots of color, we use conk shells we brought back from bahammas
Reply:This is the new stuff!! Self-sustaining water plants, the come in sealed glass capsules.They're great, inexpensive and never need any care. P.S. Not lava lamps!!!! a Fa- Sui mirror for faith, hope and prosperity.
Reply:Why not a little zen garden..Get a dish (kind of flat though), put some sand in it. Throw in some river rocks and there you have a zen garden.
Reply:Turn it into a beach getaway. get one of those nice sand filled rock gardens two cute small bonsai trees a barbie sized hammock and have a beach party on your coffee table. You could turn those candles into tiki torches.
Reply:buy a piece of glass that will fit the top of your table and place family photos or pictures of tropical fish under glass.

Travel books large picture books depecting tropical getaways is another simple idea.
Reply:1. A small battery operated fountain Yea no cord!!!!

2. A over sized wooden bowl with decorative balls placed inside it like glass, clay, natural material covered balls etc.

3. A bonzia tree

4. a collection wooden boxes stacked on top of each other going from largest to smallest.

5. Large seashells placed in a shallow contained

6. A asain style tea set.

7. Pottery...interesting vases and pots.

8. A sculpture.
Reply:A large piece of murano art glass (bowl, vase etc.) See the URL for an example.

Help! My daughter's bridal shower is at my house tomorrow outside and it.s supposed to rain,.It's decorated in

it's decorated in hawaiian luau theme. there will be 24 people on my back patio with all the beatiful tropical flowers we planed and decorated, lots of food. etc, WHAT WILL I DO THE HOUSE ISN'T BIG ENOUGH

Help! My daughter's bridal shower is at my house tomorrow outside and it.s supposed to rain,.It's decorated in

1) look up party rental places in your area and call them now...maybe they have suggestions or patio umbrellas you can borrow

2) buy patio umbrellas- check out BBQ/outdoor equipment places and Home Depot or Lowe's.
Reply:well you should always have a back up plan when planning something outside in case of rain. you could look in to renting one of those big party tents to cover your deck. or maybe just have it outside and if it starts raining move everyone inside to stand for a few minutes and wait and hopefully the rain will stop.
Reply:How about the garage?! Seriously if cleaning out isn't too could open the garage door and sort of still be outside...hopefully some of those tropical flowers are in planters...if not, pick up some of those when you get the umbrellas (a great idea). Perhaps at least the food part could go in the garage? Depending on your house/garage layout it might work in a pinch.
Reply:If it rains, squeeze them inside. People will be forgiving as obviously you can't control the weather, and unless you live in a trailer or a 1 room house, 24 people can fit. Get creative if you have to move furniture into one of the bedrooms or whatnot. You'll be fine; have fun :)
Reply:You might be surprised at how accomidating your house may be! Also, you can string up a tarp, or move it to the garage even. Hopefully you have great weather, though!
Reply:How can you plan an outdoor anything without a backup plan? You're screwed, you can try calling rental companies for last minute tents.
Reply:You could buy a HUGE tent thing... you know like with the top of it... you can get them really cheaply at walmart!!! :-) gl
Reply:Just be confident

I need some ideas for a tropical wedding reception?

Flowers, cardholders, famous punch, and etc

I need some ideas for a tropical wedding reception?

^ Card holders

^ Favor Boxes

^ Favors

^ Champange Glasses

^ Tropical Punch Reicpe

^ Really Pretty Tropical Flowers

^ Some more tropical Flowers

^ Thses are cute too.
Reply:Try these websites
Reply:A friend of mine recently had a "beachy" wedding that might have some good ideas for you.

In the center of the table you could have a large glass fish bowl with sand and seashells in it. OR smaller glass fishbowls with beta fish in them. The "place cards" could be sand dollars with the guests name on it. You could use bamboo place mats.
Reply:orchids are very tropical. you could have little umbrellas or seashells for card holders just think beach.

running shoes

Planters instead of garden this year...?

We are moving to a town house, it's so nice, so happy, the only thing is there is no space for a garden BUT we have this huge patio that I could have 2 big planters filled with flowers!

Can you please give me some tips as well as flower suggestions for the planters? I'm in NW Pennsylvania so no tropical flowers unfortunately. I love Impatients and marigolds, tho!

Planters instead of garden this year...?
Been there, done that and loved it! Soomething to be said for no yard maintainace, eh? I grew up in the country, so it was hard to give up the "country" state of mind. I went to the dollar store and bought two large square planters and an arched wire trellis. I put this on both sides of the entry to my courtyard and planted four small asparagus ferns in the corners and morning glory seeds in pink, fuschias and purples. If there's room in front of them, you could plant clumps of ornamental grasses. Then I put vinyl window boxes all around the perimeter of the patio and filled with phlox, impatiens, snapdragons, etc. (You can even get table-top tiki torches or candle holders to intersperse in them) A little bistro set and some pots of geraniums and I was set to go. It's not the size of the garden but the unexpected ways you can use the space you have. There are even wrought irons holders to mount on the wall to hold pots of trailing plants. Have fun...happy gardening!
Reply:There are some advantages to pots: easier to control soil, easier to deal with plants (less stooping over), fewer buggies.

Because you can control the nutrition and soli viability (and can replace soil), you can crowd plants closer together.

Consider plants that trail for the edges so they trail over the sides of the pot (like Wave petunias), and something tall for the center.
Reply:I started doing container gardening last year....a couple of things I learned along the way...make sure your container has drain holes..believe me it fills up with water, spoils and stinks to high heaven if you dont...I have also started putting a layer of rock in the bottom of my containers, so far working really well.

I have tried several different ways of planting the containers, but have found variety is the best. I would get something tall, like spike grass, then depending on whether you will have sun or shade you can choose your plants from there. Most of mine get sun at 6 hours a day, so I used sweet potatoe vine, because I like the trailing over the pot and the color, petunias, asparagus fern and geraniums in a couple of colors. Dont fill your pot up to much, allow a little room for the plants to grow and fill in. Also, remember, containers seem to require more frequent watering than what you are used to doing in your beds. I am in Oklahoma and during the heat of the summer (it gets over 100 here) last year I was watering before work and then late evening when I got home, everyday! I think the best way to tell is to simply stick your finger in the pot and see if it is dry!

I always go to online nuseries, read about plants that work well in my "zone" and make choices based on their suggestions. Honestly, I buy local, but use the online as a great information source.

There is also a great magazine out called "Backyard Living" you can probably find it online, but they always have great suggestions and lots of pictures. I say, just have fun! Pick the things you like and go for it!
Reply:if it is shady, impatients will work well. with a lot

of sun marigolds or begonias would be very pretty. good luck

How can i turn my hibiscus bush into a tree??

I'm new at gardening and I absolutely LOVE tropical plants. However, I live in NH so unfortunately we aren't blessed with these gorgeous plants/flowers. Anyways, I bought a hibiscus bush yesterday and when I was at the store i saw what appeared to be was of small hibiscus trees...My mother told me that you have to train your plant to grow that way. If so, how do I go about doing that?


10 points for BEST answer!!

How can i turn my hibiscus bush into a tree??
Tropical hibiscus plants are categorized into Bush (or shrub) forms and Tree (or Standard) forms.

You can train your hiciscus into a tree form, by cutting off all stems but one. Use a stake for training this stem, and prune off all side stems or shoots. You are aiming for getting the shoots to form a bushy top.

Since you live in NH, and don't get a long growing season, you'd be better off to purchase a tree form.

One last thought, hibiscus prefer sun, and tend to develop root rot if they are overwatered..provide good drainage for your plant. Mites can also be a problem..just hose off, or use an insecticidal soap to prevent infestations.

You can bring your plant indoors for the winter season, if it is a tropical vs. a "hardy" hibiscus.
Reply:There is a wide variety of hibiscus plants. Some are perennials that grow from the ground each year and die back each fall. These are the ones that have the huge gaudy tropical type flowers.

Others are bushes, like rose of Sharon. The latter can grow really large without much encouragement. You just need a few years of patience.

Make sure before you buy that whatever you grow can take your New England winters.
Reply:If it is tropical, you will need to bring it inside in the Fall and bring it back out in June. Tropical hibiscus cant live in New England outside. If you have a hardy hibiscus..well..that's a different story.

Unknown Plant With Fruit and Flowers Growing in Shade - Please Help Identify?

This plant/tree has been growing under my trampoline for a few months. At first all the fruit was green and there were no flowers. Now the fruit is turning yellow and there are tiny white flowers with yellow centers.

Some people have already suggested guava, kiwi, and coffee. I don't think it's any of those, though. Another person thought it may be in the moraceae family, but I don't think that's the case either. It seems too peppery and tropical.

It's most definitely not a Brazilian pepper tree. I've had many of those, and this is extremely different.

Here is a link to some pictures:

Unknown Plant With Fruit and Flowers Growing in Shade - Please Help Identify?
It's an Amatillo plant, it's a type of weed that grows in ppl's gardens. Please don't eat the fruit, it's poisonous.

Here's a pic of it:
Reply:Looks like guavea but i think i could be wrong. You can take a sample and a few pics into any lowes or plant nursery and they will beable to tell you what type of plant that is.
Reply:I know EXACTLY what that plant is.. I don't necessarily know what it's called in English.. but most people call it "Philippine Lime / Lemon"

Where I'm from we call it "CALAMANSI" We have tons of that in the Philippines and that's what our lemons our.. it's more tart than lemons here in US.

I'm already here in California.. and we also have that in our backyard..

the weird thing is that it turns yellow here as it grows.. but in the Philippines it stays green..

you could make it as a juice (if you're not too lazy to squeeze about 15 to 20 of those just to make a glass).. but you have to add water and sugar.. and lots of ice.. it's good to drink specially on hot summer days.. it's really refreshing..

In the Philippines we also use it to put in our meals. I would love to tell you what they are but you might not be familiar with them.

If you have Filipino friends or if you just know anybody from the Philippines.. show them that fruit and they will tell you the same thing that I just said.

k.. that should answer your question.. =)

Is it ok to get a guy flowers...?..?

My BF and I got into an argument last nite....we've been together for 5 years...and I send him these flowers but they are not like girly....they look very tropical/ you think he'll get embarassed once he gets them at work...?..he works with a bunch of guys...


Is it ok to get a guy flowers...?..?
Of course. . . I've done it! You know your guy better than anyone so only you can guess if he'd be embarrassed. One thing for sure. . . the guys he works with would be envious. Good Luck!
Reply:Well, flowers do tend to emasculate a guy, and if he works with a bunch of other guys there's no doubt he'll be teased for them, it all resumes to how open-minded he is about it, if he's an easy going dude, he'll just laugh it off, but if he's kinda macho-like you'll probably get into another argument.

All in all, there's nothing wrong with sending him flowers.
Reply:that's really sweet, but I think he would definitely be embarrassed receiving them at work, especially working around other men....they will find someway of turning a thoughtful action into a mess...if you want to send him flowers have them sent to his home.

P.S. "manly" flowers...what do those look like?---I think bamboo is a safe's not masculine or feminine and it will not die in a few days.
Reply:he probably wouldnt get embarrassed, it would just feel awkward... it wouldnt really hurt me socially if i got flowers as a present infront a bunch of my friends, but ide feel pretty stupid holding flowers... send him like a picture of you with a letter or something... that might be better and it might mean more.
Reply:If he is comfortable with himself he shouldn't get embarrassed. In fact, the other guys may be a bit jealous. I sent my husband a frilly balloon bouquet at work for his birthday. He loved it and enjoyed the torment from his crew. The guys are all married or have girlfriends so they understood. I think he will appreciate it.
Reply:aww thats cute but he might get embarrassed around his buddies, you know guys. try giving him one of his current favorite movies and his favorie beer, or cook him his favorite meal..the best way to get to a man is thru his stomache.

Good luck!
Reply:Oh he will hate you for it, on the outside. But if he is like me we/he should be deeply touched by the gesture and love you even more.

But he will catch hell at work.
Reply:YES. Don't do it! He'll get the piss taken out of him FOREVER. If my girlfriend did that to me I'd be even more pissed off. He'll get over it, we have broad shoulders.
Reply:I got flowers from a woman once. And although it might be a punch in the "gay card", it was a very nice gesture.
Reply:it depends on how masculine he thinks he is. his co-workers might make fun of him for it but if your bf got a sense of humor then he will think its sweet.
Reply:He'll hate the flowers but he'll love the thought. Go for it.
Reply:yeah he might get embarrassed if he receives them at work in front of his co-workers... but its a really sweet thing to do and he should appreciate it either way
Reply:uh i would say go to his house and give them to him or if you live with him make him dinner or somthing
Reply:personally i think its OK but if he is working with a bunch of guys you know they'll make fun of him. maybe you should just send them to his home address I'm sure he would appreciate that much more
Reply:@ work is not a good idea.
Reply:He may find it embarrassing yeah

really cute thing to do tho =D

star from me x
Reply:he'll love them. alot of guys like it when you give them flowers.
Reply:Definetly do not get him flowers. That would be so gayyy and embarassing.. Lol
Reply:depends how secure he is with his masculinity
Reply:No, I think that is very sweet!! He'll love them! : )
Reply:Depends on how his co-workers react. And if he's a confident person.
Reply:He'll be embarrassed but its all good... if he loves you he'll see past it for what you're trying to say
Reply:Yeah. As long as you explain to him why.
Reply:i dont think it really matters that much!
Reply:Is he gay?
Reply:yes and its funny!!!


Who can identify this plant?

Plant grows in the Philippines (10 N, 124 E)

Hight: about 4 m

flower shifts color from white to pink to red

Type of soil: clay

Pictures on

Who can identify this plant?
You'll need to repost the picture site if we are to see it.
Reply:yep. def. cannibis.

What are good colors for a summer wedding?

I am getting married June of 2008. My mom eloped so I thought I'd let her feel free to help me a little more then probably what she should for my wedding. I am going with a tropical theme because I want to use orchirds for my flowers. My mom thinks I should use the color lime green. Any suggestions on what could match with lime green?

What are good colors for a summer wedding?
I think lime green is a horrid wedding color. All the bridesmaids in lime green? Ick. Sorry, just IMHO.
Reply:I would say either go with tropical/ hawaiin colors or like easterish colors
Reply:actually white and lime go together... you could also go for pink. just make sure NO orange. that would not be a good color combo. brown would look nice... it's hard to tell w/o the exact shade of green, but make sure it's a sort of natural looking shade, not a garish skating rink sort of color. (my cousin just had her wedding with greens and browns and it looked really nice.) whatever you choose, make sure they look good together... clashing is bad for weddings.

Good luck! I hope you have an amazing wedding!
Reply:I am getting married in July and I am using chocolate brown and sky/river blue. I love it for an outside woodlawn wedding. Beats same old hotel white!
Reply:Go to a fabric store and look at tropical print fabrics that include lime green in the pattern. There should be a few to choose from. The fabric you pick will have more colors than just the green, so you can see what ones you really like.

You can also ask the people at the fabric store to help with colors that go well with lime green. Buy a bit of fabric to use when picking out the other items (napkins, flowers, invitations, etc).

Reply:Green, blue, and yellow.
Reply:i would say: umm.....white, purple and pink, maybe green. any good colors like that.or yellow
Reply:orange and lime green are gorgeous together! Congrats!
Reply:pale pink, and orange, those are good colors to go with lime green, really any bright color would look good, bright purples, pinks, etc.
Reply:White, pink. You can look at tropical flowers and see what nature has come up with. LIke leis and such. CONGRATS!

About tropical rainforest plants?

Help on finding a flower that is very attractive to butterflies (especially because of their color) please tell me the name of the FLOWER not tree....also, can you tell me the dangers that might be happened to the plant (especially natural ones such as by animals or disasters, not caused litterally by us humans)

About tropical rainforest plants?
Why did you say "name of the FLOWER not tree" -- you do realize that all angiosperm trees produce flowers (and that the flower produced by the tree does not have a separate name)? Perhaps you meant herb or shrub...

To the poster talking about specificity of butterflies: it's not true that all butterflies pollinate only a single plant species. Granted, there are some amazing cases of specialized pollination in butterflies, but that is not universal.
Reply:Butterflies are very specific. They will only go for one plant so you decide which butterfly you like and get the right plant. For example, here in North Queensland we grow Euodea spp to attract Ulysses Blue butterflys.

What is the best pland for my garden?

I have a lot of little plants that look okay, but I need some fast growing, darker plants for the back of my garden to give the flowers in front a "foil" to make them stand out better.

I like tropical plants but don't know anything about them. My biggest issue is that one side of the garden is full sun all day every day and every season. The other side is always shaded.

Any suggestions?

What is the best pland for my garden?
for the back with full sun and since you like tropical try canna lilies or a vining plant like trump[et vine..crotons add a splash of colour as well

for the shade try tall ferns or hosta or even elephant ears

riding boots

Looking for tropical decorations for pool side wedding.?

I'm getting married in a few weeks at a resort in Louisiana. The ceremony will take place pool side. We can't use floating candles in the pool, but we can do floating flowers. Any cheap place to get them or other pool side

Looking for tropical decorations for pool side wedding.?
Try They have lots of different things to decorate for a wedding at a great price.

I hope that this is what you are looking for. Just remember to keep things simple - simple is always elegant!

Good luck :)
Reply:Oriental Trading Company is the best place to find what you are looking for! go to

I did a tropical wedding last year and found all of the decorations I was looking for - and then some. The prices are the lowest out there and I, a professional event planner, always look there first.

You can even find small tropical print bags and goodies to fill them with for any children in attendance.

I hope that helps you!
Reply:Is there a Dollar Tree or Wal-Mart in your area? They normally provide cool looking merchandise at a more than reasonable price. A yard sale or two and a couple of thrift store visits may complete the merchants list.
Reply:Oriental traders I think is the name. They should have tropical (hawaiin flowers).
Reply:Tropical beach posters from

What could you make out of these materials?

a pair of jeans, those big tropical leaves, flowers any kind, and a yard of fabric. oh and thread and glue.

What could you make out of these materials?
crazy a s s pants could make a funky skirt; or a hat; or a coat
Reply:Throw pillow,especially out of the jeans.Or a Large draw string purse. Use the jeans for the outside and the yard of material for the lining. Good Luck!
Reply:you can "dress up" the jeans...glue or sew on the flowers, arange them in a cool pattern you can even put the leaves behind them

you can take the fabric and cut of squares and sew them on in various spaces, or cut out letters that say something live LOVE and sew them down the bottom of the jeans

you can cut the jeans into capris or shorts

probably alot of things you can do

use you imagination!

you could make a pillow

an cool hat

a scarf

cover for something like golf clubs

Short Story (1) - The best answer gets ten points! I have the beginning, can you write the best ending?

As they looked over the landscape, the sun shone through the clouds, glistening through the mist on the mountain's foothills.

This place had over a thousand years of history. Even through the dense jungle they could see the ruins of ancient temples and rock carvings. Around them, the parrots were squwaking and the tropical flowers were beaded with morning dew.

Something was beckening them to venture deeper . . .

Short Story (1) - The best answer gets ten points! I have the beginning, can you write the best ending?
it wasn't a voice, it was the sensations felt by millions of pilgrims to the site, drawing them to their God. As they drew nearer, the sensations of peace deepened and the awe of the place grew tenfold. Gazing up at the majestic ruins, they sensed the magnitude of the culture and peoples that built it. As they wandered through the empty streets, they could hear the whispers of street vendors, of the carts being drawn and the animals bawling out their myriad of sounds. They kept feeling the draw and the presence of something unseen, urging them deeper within the ruins.

As they neared a building that was left virtually unscathed, they noticed the fine craftsmanship on the building and the magnitude of their emotions blossomed. They approached it with baited breath and entered with reverence. All around a central altar, benches circled the entire building. Above the altar was a simple cross and a few words in the ancient tongue, etched in the stone below.

After struggling with the translations, they discovered the meaning. It read simply, "All who seek peace, may find it here". All of a sudden, they were filled with a glorious peace, that filled their entire being, and they knew that they had found the ancient God the natives had worshiped, and their own.
Reply:Thank-you, it was fun to do and probably the best question I've answered...for fun anyways. Thanks for the interesting challenge! Report It

Reply:A sound, like a sorrowful moan, or a groan, almost sweet and melodic, but not human, not animal... We ventured further and came to a clearing, our mouths fell open as we stopped dead in our tracks, we paused in confused excitement and it was then we realized we just hiked from the parking lot to the front gates of Disney World, the journey was over, or was it just beginning?
Reply:Any short story?
Reply:Because a roaring lion was about to tear them into pieces! They ran swiftly into the jungle seeking protection from the beast pursuing them, and dove into a nearby gopher hole.
Reply:Bert could feel the beat of his heart quicken deep in his chest a hot sweet smell assaulted his nostrills and he knew the time was near. suddenly the jungle went quiet. not a bird called, not an animal stirred. his gaze swepted across the beaded sweat on his partners brow. their eyes locked in common knowlege. yes, the waiting was over, it was time. with a shared gutrual scream they both fell forward. bert got the first slice and ernie followed a millesecond later nothing beats sharing pizza with your best mate. "hey how's that. "hey this next guy is deep "pick me, PICK ME"

What is the name of this flower?

(they are caribbean flowers, thats all I know...)


What is the name of this flower?
Both are plumeria species , in common language they are called 'Frangipani'. The second one is probably Plumeria alba

1 ) The first one is Plumeria rubra ( Rubra means red or reddish pink ) of Family Apocynaceae .

See the photo on the link below ==

2 ) The second one is also Plumeria but the species is different . It is Plumeria alba . ( Alba from albino i.e.white )

Click on the link for photo==

Click on the link for more information ==
Reply:fred ??
Reply:They are called "Frangipani"

Latin names: Plumeria alba (white) and Plumeria rubra (red)

They produce flowers ranging from whitish yellow to pink and red. They are native to Mexico, Central America, Venezuela and Hawaii.

Start java

Can i grow hibiscus plants in shade?

What are the main thing that should be taken care of when keeping hibiscus in pots in shade in tropical conditions? Will it grow and flower properly?

What are the flowering plant species which are most suitable for these conditions, i mean in pots and in shade in tropical conditions(I am from India)?

Can i grow hibiscus plants in shade?
the plant will grow- but I don't think it will bloom
Reply:you may try it. however, why not plant small tomatoes? it has double purpose
Reply:Hibiscus like full sun. Heat prompts blooming. Shade plants include hosta, impatiens, here is a link:
Reply:yes it will grow in the shade.

Wreath of Flowers...I want to wear one as a headpiece?

We're having a destination wedding in St Thomas, followed a few months later by a reception locally, where I will also be wearing my gown (and headpiece). Because I will be wearing the floral wreath twice, I was thinking of making one using silk flowers. Is there a form you can buy for the basic wreath shape or how are they made? I wanted to use smaller flowers (daisy size, but a more tropical variety)

Wreath of Flowers...I want to wear one as a headpiece?
Go to a big fabric store - they have the forms. Get the flowers for it at Hobby Lobby or Michael's.

Try the biggest local fabric store in town!
Reply:Just order one online. Go to TheHawaiian wedding I think they sell them there.
Reply:Your local florist should be able to help you out. My bridesmaids had these, and there was no form - the wreath was just shaped from the flowers being laid over each other progressively, and wired as it went along.
Reply:My step mother did the same thing and it looked great and very tropical. Try hobby lobby, the have expert floral designers who will let you pick out the flowers you want and they will design it for you. Very affordable for something that will be a keepsake the rest of your life. I am a wedding photographer and I use them to make boquets my brides use for their bridal portraits.

Have fun in St. Thomas, I am going there in 15 DAYS!
Reply:Sounds like we're in the same boat with not having ANYTHING close to us (Hobby Lobby and so forth), I have ebayed my wedding to death! Try looking on there for flowers (they usually give you a close up - but if they don' on the ask seller a question button and ask them to send a close up picture of the flower). Congrats on the up coming wedding and I wish you luck!
Reply:buy reglar silk flowers

their heads can be taken off and sew onto a hairpiece or scarf

sounds great

have fun
Reply:There's this wire thing, they use it in the ring skirts, you know the ones that are really puffy and when you sit down they just fly up. That's the material I've seen used for the flower wreaths.
Reply:Try researching using the word "renaissance" in the search. At renaissance faires, they sell nice wreaths of dried flowers.

Anyone know why flower bulbs so easily fall off from the stem even before it bloom?

i am refering to asian tropical climate flowers.bouganvillas....

Anyone know why flower bulbs so easily fall off from the stem even before it bloom?
OK, I'm a little stuck on your terminology. Typically a bulb is the component in the dirt which lasts from year to year, sending out a shoot, flowers, roots, etc. In your case, bouganvilleas do not grow from bulbs. Therefore, I think you are referring to the flower bud falling from the stem?

Bouganvilleas are very tender plants. It sounds like a watering issue to me. Is there a slight brown line around older leaves, just on the edge? If so, water. You may also want to do a light liquid fertilizer to ensure you have proper nutrients.

What to wear to a "tropical" climate party?

well i have a yellow stripy dress

and some leis..those hawianna necklaces with flowers

What to wear to a "tropical" climate party?

Always, always go Orange or Coral.

Trust me
Reply:that sounds fine I wouldn't go buy anything else espically if it does look summery.

shoes stock

There is a very fragrant yellow bell shaped flower on bushes that are in bloom in Albuquerque. What is it?

This yellow bell shaped flower is extremely fragrant, almost tropical smelling. Its a yellow bell like flower on a short green bush. It is currently in bloom in Albuquerque. Does anyone know what this is?

There is a very fragrant yellow bell shaped flower on bushes that are in bloom in Albuquerque. What is it?
Sounds like a Chinese Lantern bush also know as Chinese Bell Flower.

Cool alternative to flowers (for bridesmaid)?


I'm having a very cas but stylish wedding in aug (Aust's winter time) I'm having it on a tropical island (in the whithsundays). I just got a quote for flowers for the bridesmaid and feel that it's too pricey for what it is. I was seeing if anyone out there has any ideas on something different for the bridesmaid to walk down the isle with?

Cool alternative to flowers (for bridesmaid)?
oooo whitsundays, nice,

mine are carrying just a single rose tied in a ribbon, could add a light feather to it to, (hard to explain) not a normal feather the ones like some brides have in their hair.

what about a fan with a little flower maybe orchid at the bottom of it, or a wrist corsage is what my friend is having for us at her wedding,

congrate on your wedding, mine is in august too near yey not long now
Reply:Candles (if inside)or single silk flowers with lots of long flowing ribbon. You could make the silk ones yourself. Go to your local craft store and buy long, individuals (like calla lilies). Then, wrap with lots of beautiful ribbon that will trail with the island breeze. Pack them up and take them with you. Simple, but elegant and gorgeous.
Reply:When I got married, it was a candle lit ceremony. I bought large cognac glasses for my bridesmaids, and had their names etched on them. We placed a small candle in them with a very small amount of water. I had them decorated by my cousin with tastefull silk flowers and greens. They also made a nice keepsake for my girls.
Reply:I once attended a wedding where the bridesmaids carried a lantern with a candle in it. They then placed them on Shepherd's Hooks around the area where the bride and groom were. If your ceremony is around dusk it might be really lovely!

Congratulations and best of luck!
Reply:Since you are doing a tropical theme you could have the bridesmaids hold just one flower. Alot of the Hawaiian flowers are large, ex: Birds of paradise. You can have all kinds of flowers shipped from hawaii online and they do stay fresh!
Reply:these are stunning

someone on here posted earlier this week how they had made their own for approx $20

i will try and find the link

i love these
Reply:Check out:
Reply:single flower, crystal bpuquest, you can go to a craft store and make them youself, little purses
Reply:Small matching purses, stuffed with greens (such as fern leafs or baby breathe) and satin ribbons or lace look pretty.
Reply:They can carry a candle, Or those arm muffs that go over the hands. What are your colors I can give you more ideas Once I know that... :)
Reply:I had a beach wedding and the bridesmaids had tulips. They were cheap and lasted all day.
Reply:A single white lily

Can you help me edit this paper?

Here's a short descriptive paper that i worte about hawaii. I'm a little stuck on what i need to edit, and what i should add to it thanx.

The moment that I stepped off of the airplane I was happily overwhelmed by the humid air, and the stunning tropical flowers. As we drove to our vacation cottage I could hardly noticed the huge resorts and the countless tourists. I was coming to the realization that I defiantly wasn’t in Alaska, but a place far more captivating.

I spent practically all of my time at the beach trying to absorb the sunlight, which I hadn’t done much of living in Alaska. When resting at the beach with my toes in the sand, I loved how content, warm, and free my mind felt. The sky was mostly cloudless, except when the mystic island decided to surprise us with a heavy rain. Within minutes of a downpour everything would become luscious and green again, and vibrant rainbows would appear in every valley.

Can you help me edit this paper?
That is your whole paper??? lmao

I live in Phils.(tropical country). Im having a hard time maintaining my cattleya orchids.?

They usually die after 1 month or they would not have flowers at all. Unlike, dendrobiums that I can make them flower easily. The cattleya that im buying are not new cuttings but an established plants that the owners says its almost 1 year old, and I know its true. I water them 2x a days, exposed to sunlight for 2 hours/day and sprays fertilizers once a week.

I live in Phils.(tropical country). Im having a hard time maintaining my cattleya orchids.?
You are probably watering them too much. Here's a trick that I learned from an orchid shop. Get a large bucket, about 5 gallons and fill it partially full of water. Dip the vase into the water until the water just goes over the top of the vase. Basically, you are soaking the entire ground in the vase. Pull the vase out of the water and let it thoroughly drain. Do this once a week, no more. If the orchid is a variety that has roots in the air, then spray them with a water bottle sprayer. The in-air roots should get misted about once a day. The in-air roots are for separate orchid plants that grow off the top of the lower orchid plants. Orchids don't like a lot of water and only need watered about once a week. For humidity, if you want, place the pot over a pan of water that has a bunch of pebbles in it. This will help keep the humidity high. Make sure not to get water on the leaves or down into the crevices of the plant. That could cause the leaves to rot. Also don't allow the leaves to rest on the pot or they could rot.
Reply:Cattleyas have specific needs. Check out this site to make sure you've got the correct info.
Reply:Orchids generally do not like to have soggy roots. The soil must drain very well.

If the roots are soggy the plants will die and they will not flower.

Try making the environment a bit more humid. Place it in such a position that it gets loads of light but only a little direct sunlight.

Do not move the plant around a lot - mine didn't appreciate being moved.

Try watering them less.


When I write a describtion of a chracter in a novel, should I say everything about the clothing?For example...

For example, She wore a black Capris pants with a white belt. Above that, she wore a white top with black diagonal tropical flower prints. Is it too much??? And if you think so, do you think the top should be black or white???

When I write a describtion of a chracter in a novel, should I say everything about the clothing?For example...
Sometime less is enough and sometime its more than enough.
Reply:I think if it has something directly realating to the story somehow, yes. If not, keep it a little more vague, like she was dressed nicely, or ragged clothes
Reply:I'd add the dimension of impression.

"she looked as if it were drawn on her"

"she appeared disheveled and thrown together"

"she felt as crisp and fresh as spring itself"
Reply:Well, it depends. How's that for an answer. Depends on how important it is to the story, how much you want to reveal. You could say, for example, "She was dressed in all black and white and her personality was the same in bipolar contrast." You could go on for paragraphs about what she was wearing. Or for a minor character or something you'll develop later you could say, "he looked like a bum." without even mentioning his clothes. In a novel it's all up to you %26amp; the effect you want to convey.
Reply:Too much, in my opinion, but don't let me stop you. At least you don't go all into name-brands and things like that. I really don't care what characters are wearing. The clothes don't make the character. But detail is good when you're writing. If you introduce new characters with really different clothes, like rainbow belts and purple leg warmers, the description would be needed. But regular clothes ... description isn't too necessary.

Oh, and if you do describe her clothes, I think the top should be black too, but that's just me. =) Good luck.
Reply:i think it's great detail, i like to picture the characters as precise as possible so i like that i even like there hair described i think you can personalize them they feel more real, i dont know about the black pant's with a white belt, i would'nt do that it's kind of 80's, but you cant really wear a white belt with a white shirt, white's like blacks can be so off, but if i had to pick id say black so you could see the belt
Reply:NO and NO

Describing your character to much makes your reader feel that you are taking away their imagination. Trust me you don't want that.

Make a one line (not more than 15 words) description without too many details. For example, if your character is fun and happy then you can just say, "her outfit had floral pattern/flowers and of course that seemed to be a pattern of her heart drawn out" , if she is grim then it can be the "blacks and whites did not help to hide her mood". I think you'll get the point.
Reply:Unless it serves a specific purpose, i.e. to describe the extend of the character's fashion consciousness, I'd say the old maxim of "Less is more" should apply. In other words: Don't overdo it!
Reply:The fashion choices I leave to you. How much to describe depends in part on the kind of book you're writing. In general, everything you tell us about the character should reveal something about that character's personality. Is she stylish? Is he wealthy? Is she a slob? Pick outfits to fit your character, and describe them in a way that illuminates them. For example:

"She looked liked a Miami retiree grafted onto a matador, with black capris under a floral print top, all set off by teased red hair and a cigarette holder right out of movies from the forties."

Have fun!
Reply:Robert Parker, in the wildly successful "Spenser" novels, tells us what the characters have on once in a while.

Elmore Leonard has a scene in one of his novels where a policeman goes to play golf with a businessman. The businessman is wearing a $100 Izod shirt and equally expensive golf slacks. The policeman has on jeans and a T-shirt that reads "Detroit Homicide Squad #5" It makes a point. If you are just dressing your characters out of envy, the way some writers have their characters eat in high-class restaurants and drink Ch. Lafitte-Rothschild, don't do it. If it adds to the scene, do it.
Reply:Yes, is too much, a light description is OK. Black top is better.
Reply:Try saying it like this: Her black capris and black and white tropical flowered shirt complimented her olive complexion...or something like that. Don't get too bogged down in descriptions though. They are not very interesting for people to read.
Reply:Be as complete as you can.
Reply:Descriptive writing

Descriptive writing vividly describes a person, place, or thing in such a way that the reader can visualize the topic and feel like they are part of the experience. Descriptive writing is characterized by the following:

• elaborate use of sensory details

• details which go beyond the general

• details which enable the reader to picture or relive what the writer is telling

Search Results:

If you very thoughts could mould the fabric of reality to create the planet of your dreams describe it to me?

Also a moon or moons can be created as well, what would this world look like help me visualize your ideal world.

My ideal world would be a tropical planet with no large land masses just 43% of the planet covered with island chains around the equator and shallow oceans all around with very mild storm seasons once a year, there would be less gravity so volleyball on the white sandy beaches would be even more fun, there would be so many tropical flowers that even the air would smell like a dream, and at night there would be a mild breeze coming from the ocean and the twin moons overhead would be enough to stir the heart of even the most hardened of hearts.

but thats just what my ideal world would be like, i wanna here what your ideal world is like.

If you very thoughts could mould the fabric of reality to create the planet of your dreams describe it to me?
my ideal world would be a moon of a giant ringed planet with many other moons, so there is always something to look at in the sky. the gravity is arount half of earths. There is only 1 small village of humans, the world is mostly inhabited by humanoids who live in the seas, kind of like mermen. they are telepathic, and they are overpopulated so they let us eat their young (they are tasty). the climaate is semitropical and the only real continent goes all the way around the equater, with seas spread out, and oceans on the north and south with ice caps at the poles. I call it MAGRUDER
Reply:I want a planet inhabited by 6 billion teletubbies. There will be no form of law enforcement whatsoever so that I could not be arrested for gauging their eyes and ripping them apart.

There's a pretty flowering shrub that I've seen with clusters of small, light blue flowers...?

and I can't remember the name for anything! I keep wanting to call it plumeria, but that's that tropical plant thats used for lei's. My question is, does anyone have any clue what I might be referring to, and if so, do you know if it will grow in the Bay Area (Northern CA)?


There's a pretty flowering shrub that I've seen with clusters of small, light blue flowers...?
Could it be PLUMbago? That sounds a bit like PLUMeria (commonly known as Frangipani), and it's a gorgeous light blue flowering shrub. If that's what you mean, you're in luck! It grows like wild fire in the Bay Area- it just needs sun most of the day, and water. Once it's well established, it isn't really even all that picky about water! There is one growing (and thriving) along a fence on the asphalt parking lot of an antique store in DT San Jose that must be apx. 8' h by 6' w, and it doesn't appear to be maintained by anyone. It has asphalt on one side and railroad tracks on the other, so they appear to be pretty hardy.

They grew all over my neighborhood when I lived in SJ, and every once in a blue moon, I would see one with dark blue-purplish (like a violet) flowers- STUNNING!! (Of course, I can't remember the name right now!) It's not as common looking as the light blue, although the light blue is absolutely gorgeous- the flower color is just more common than the darker one. I've been searching for the dark one for a couple years now.

If you happen to live in one of those funny pockets in the BA (Mt. Hamilton, the Marina in SF) where you get very little sun, heavy freezes or even snow, I would ask at your local nursery for advice, and what will happen to the bush in the winter. You may be able to simply put a cover over it during freezes.

Well I hope that's it, and it helped. Even if it's not, check out Plumbago- it's gorgeous! If you like light blue flowering shrubs, I think you will like this one a lot. You can buy it at OSH, but call ahead to make sure they have it in stock.

peas out

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I added another site below (wiki) so that you would have a pictorial reference. The 2 pics on the right side of the page are indicative of what grows in the BA, especially the one at the bottom. Also, I remembered the name of the darker blue version of the bush, it's called "Royal Cape" Plumbago and it is breath-taking.
Reply:Nikko blue hydrangea?
Reply:what does "you were close" mean? I hate it when people take the right answer from one of the first answerers, and acts like they came up with it on their own. She wasn't CLOSE, she was right ON THE MONEY!!!! get a clue SPOOKY! good name.
Reply:Sounds like a Ceanothus to me...look this up on google images to see if it matches what you saw. Ceanothus is evergreen, with very pretty blue flower clusters and is very hardy so should be able to grow in north CA easily.
Reply:You were close! Try looking at this site about PLUMBAGO. Yes, it will grow up there. It thrives in SoCal so long as you water it, so Bay Area should be fine.

Do you know the name of this blue flower?

I can't find a pic of it anywhere but it is almost a teal colour. Its shape is similar to a Bird of Paradise, I think but it is much smaller. I thought it might be a type of tropical flower that is dyed blue but I am not sure... all I know that it is a much different blue than most 'blue' flowers like hydrangeas, etc. Names and/or links to pictures would be greatly appreciated as I am using a dark teal as one of my wedding flowers and I thought it might look good for the boutonnieres.

Do you know the name of this blue flower?

Is it any of these?

Just go under Yahoo Images. Type in "Blue Flower", and scroll down.

Here's Some more: ( I love that Centaurea Flower.)
Reply:an iris
Reply:You need to talk to a florist or someone who works in botany.
Reply:I honestly have no idea what you're looking for, but here's something else you could Google. Is there any possiblity that it's a hybrid? My favorite rose is a peace rose, which is basically a yellow rose cross-bred with a pink rose, but it could be 2 different versions of the same flower in the same color (I believe the JFK rose is a cross breed of 2 red roses.)


This may take more time than you have, or are willing to allow, but I found a link that maybe useful to you. It allows you to search flowers by picture, rather than name. It may be helpful, but you may have also already been here.

*Yes, another update*

Is this it? It's a link on ebay for blue bird of paradise seeds.

apply for a loan

What to wear to a "tropical" climate party?

well i have a yellow stripy dress

and some leis..those hawianna necklaces with flowers

What to wear to a "tropical" climate party?
wear a bikini, and put a swim cove-up dress over the top, with your leis,and some flip flops :)

Where can i find silk flowers wholesale in los angeles?

if certain places need a vendor's id, that's not an issue. this is for a cousin's wedding scheduled in november. we're looking for tropical - birds of paradise, plumeria - or yellow flowers in general.

Where can i find silk flowers wholesale in los angeles?
go to downtown, 3rd and los angeles bl. or go to the los angeles mart. they you can go floor by floor or hundreds of vendors from a to z/
Reply:I have a products that is call Daily Fresh - It is a air freshener flower and the flower able to change color. I'm not sure it is the type of flower you are looking for. You can check out my website.

I have an odd plant in the yard how to I find out what it is?

big, with big grean leaves, tropical, lavender shoots of flowers, a stalk will have about 20 blooms on it and they look a bit like snap dragons flowers but it is much bigger. I thought it might be elephant ear but the leaves and flowers do not quite match

I have an odd plant in the yard how to I find out what it is?
Take a picture or small cutting and bring it with you to a garden center and ask the head plant person.
Reply:e-mail and ask John Marra
Reply:I believe its a lupine. Does it look like this....

Sorry! Forgot the tropical part.
Reply:Cut off a leaf and a flower, and take it to a garden shop - they may know.
Reply:ask a biology student.
Reply:only way to find out is to roll it up n smoke it hhahhah just kidding couldnt resist
Reply:You have a local extension office that employ home economics professionals that are very helpful for free. They are in the phone book with the local government offices are located.
Reply:Bird of paradise?

Reply:It is a "Canna Plant". Google that, images as well.

How would you like to do your wedding ceremony/party ?

If I will marry one day I would like to do the ceremony on the beach. With families + a few real friends.

I would like that everyone comes without shoes and colourful nice dresses. I would like to put a lot of candle and a lot of colourful flowers all over the beach. I would like to wear a nice white, short sexy dress. And my partner in white too. I would like to serve fresh fish, lobster, conchmeat, shrimps and everything (fresh as well) from the sea.

And for the meatlovers some kebab and juicy baby backribs, I mean it have to be like a nice long table on the beach decorated with candles and flowers and fresh tropical fruits.

With all these foods on it and fresh vegetables + salads.

Another small table for my wedding cake , and chocolates and cookies. For music some nice cocktail music.

And to finish put some fireworks at the end of the party.

How would you like to do your wedding ceremony/party ?
wow...that sounds really beautiful and I hope it comes true for u. As for me, my fiance and I are paying for our own things. We are having a nice wedding (with a wedding dress and tuxs). for the reception it is going to be one with and a bbq. it is us. We arent the whole fancy stuff. Like a country barn dance like u may see in some movies. It looks great in my head so I pray it looks good out of it. 2 months to go.

safety boots

Saving bourgainvillias and geraniums in tropical climate?

I live in Spain;my patio most of the time is blooming with flowers and happy plants but this summer my bourhainvillias is looking very unhappy and my geranuims I planted in flowerpots are dying;could I be overwatering or is this summer really affecting the plants;I live on a rooftop;there is full sunshine all day and I water mostly in the morning or the evening.

Saving bourgainvillias and geraniums in tropical climate?
Your bougainvillea's should be thriving, they might need a top up with water - directly into the pot, not on the leaves during the day. It could be too hot for geraniums, they will need shelter.

Is it really corny to have a florida (key west) themed wedding outside in massachusetts in june?

i'm thinking subtle. key lime cake. some tropical flowers. light green and white wedding colors... maybe some pink. but not over the top with shells everywhere or anything. we dont live by the beach, we live in the middle of mass, but i want to bring a little of the beach to us. any suggestions? i want to get married down there but my parents cant afford to travel there...

Is it really corny to have a florida (key west) themed wedding outside in massachusetts in june?
I love the idea. Check out this site, maybe you can get a few ideas =) I saw a cake that was beautiful!

p.s. Congrats %26amp; Good Luck!!
Reply:Sounds like fun. Play Jimmy Buffet music.
Reply:It would be lovely. The trouble is finding a place to have it. I want the same for my daughters wedding. I have looked everywhere. I live in the northwest %26amp; it is hard to find a place to have a wedding like that at the party house. It is hard to get atmosphere. I have thought about my back yard, a park, but then you have to worry about rain, so you have to get a tent. Good luck, I am still looking.


I am a girl and I am looking for a tattoo, pretty with colors?

I live in a beautiful tropical place, so i wish thinking of pinks, blues and probably with tropical flowers. Any ideas or PICTURES!!! would be AWESOME!!!

I am a girl and I am looking for a tattoo, pretty with colors?
red blue black
Reply:A beatiful fairy with full colorful wings!! Colored hair maybe even a tropical scene behind her.

Or a mermaid siting on a cliff in a tropical scene
Reply:Try getting a Lotus Flower!

They're really pretty and tropical

yet exotic.

Try searching them up under

Google images.

Hope this helped and good luck

with a new tat!
Reply:why do you want a tatoo?? it makes people look wierd, be yourself don't mess up your skin. love who you are.
Reply:rainbow rose
Reply:palm treeeeeee!

Can you grow Franny Pangy tree in a planter?

The tropical flowering tree in south florida

Can you grow Franny Pangy tree in a planter?
See the link for the size of the tree.

you will realize that it is better off in an open ground.

If you decide contrary , then select a large container and prune the tree often.

This will make it dwarf like a Bonsai and also produce plenty of flowers.

In one such specimen the flowers almost out numbered the leaves in the season
Reply:You mean a Frangipani tree ... well, they can be started in a planter but they get rather big when they grow (like 12 feet or more) so you'd have to take that into account.

What fertilizer is best for root development and growth.?

I mean by the numbers..... nitrogen, potash, potassium. Explain the numbers for me. I have a huge amount of tropical flowering plants...gingers, heliconias, exotics that I want to strengthen...

What fertilizer is best for root development and growth.?
Nitrogen is used to increase foliage of the plant, phosphorous is great for root development AND flowering, and potassium (aka potash) is for for the overall growth of the plant and health of the plant. All these traits are known as NPK (nitrogen, phosphorous, and potash) which is usually measured on all fertilizers like #-#-#.

to increase root development, get a fert that is high in phosphorous, this will at the same time help BOTH the roots, and the flowers of the plant which is ideal.

you probably would want to get something with some nitrogen and potash too, to help the rest of the plant grow stability aswell. But remember, too much of any of these will result in a weak and unhealthy plant that will become more susceptible to disease, so don't abuse ferts.

you also want to make sure your plants are old enough to be administered ferts, at least about 5-6 weeks old, and even then, you probably want to use a diluted solution to see how your plants react. If they react positively, increase the dosage every week until it reaches the proper dilution. over ferting your plants will cause them to burn and potentially kill them.
Reply:sbee reed's correct.

Here is your chance to design a tree similar to the Baobab, and it is in the tropical Savannah?

Give me some ideas on what they should be like please?

1. Leaves

2. Roots

3. Flowers

4. Stem/Trunk

5. Fruit

1. Maintain water?

2. Physically support itself?

3.Defend itself against predators?

4. Reproduce both sexually and asexually, if appropriate?

5. Disperse its young to locations favorable for growth?

Here is your chance to design a tree similar to the Baobab, and it is in the tropical Savannah?
The tree has plenty of sun and energy but water retention will be the main problem. Small leaves with thick waxy cuticle would help with water retention and resist herbivory. Root probably should run deep for water. Asexual reproduction may be necessary if its closest neighbor is far away and sexual reproduction is limited. Hope thats a start.

Football Shoes

Where can i find silk flowers wholesale in los angeles?

if certain places need a vendor's id, that's not an issue. this is for a cousin's wedding scheduled in november. we're looking for tropical - birds of paradise, plumeria - or yellow flowers in general.

Where can i find silk flowers wholesale in los angeles?
Just check the yellow pages in your area. You have a vendors license so there shouldn't be any problem.

Unknown Plant With Fruit and Flowers Growing in Shade - Please Help Identify?

This plant/tree has been growing under my trampoline for a few months. At first all the fruit was green and there were no flowers. Now the fruit is turning yellow and there are tiny white flowers with yellow centers.

Some people have already suggested guava, kiwi, and coffee. I don't think it's any of those, though. Another person thought it may be in the moraceae family, but I don't think that's the case either. It seems too peppery and tropical.

It's most definitely not a Brazilian pepper tree. I've had many of those, and this is extremely different.

Here is a link to some pictures:

Unknown Plant With Fruit and Flowers Growing in Shade - Please Help Identify?
What a great picture. You should crispen it up just a bit and put it in a photo contest.

I have these "berries" in my yard as well, and have no idea what they are. Guess I should check.
Reply:Thanks, i got a question answered for an answer. How ironic.

Still love the pic. Report It

Reply:The plant is Roman.

Looking for a rare, light pink flower for a tattoo.?

Im looking for some sort of rare, pink, tropical looking flower for a tattoo. I have a tiger and want to add some flowers around it, and please, NO HIBISCUS. i want something light pink, maybe even with thorns. Pictures or website with pictures please.

Looking for a rare, light pink flower for a tattoo.?
why would you get a tat? They get all old and saggy, when you will be all fat and stuff in about 10 years. Its gross
Reply:Pink Lady Slipper ?'s_Slip...

Got about 160 of them in my yard
Reply:try going to a web sight that shows orchids.
Reply:Why don't you try a tigerlily or some other form of lily? They can be in light pink, though most commonly seen in shades of orange and pink, and they are very tropical looking and beautiful.

I have included two links to very pictures of them. If they don't come up, just search for tigerlily and you will get some very pretty pics.

Good Luck!

How to start a garden nursery and fruit tree orchard?

I'm going to be buying about 100 acres for about 2 million dollars in central Ohio. I've always wanted to start my own nursery but I have a few questions about doing so. First of all where do I get the plants and trees? Also things like flowers and tropical house plants to sell. I'd also like to sell mulch, garden decorations, seeds, and also things like stone and patio pavers. Where do I get this stuff from, and probably in wholesale? I'd also like to plant peach, apple, nectarine, etc. trees so people can come and pick the fruit and stuff. I'd also like to try grapes and banana, lime, orange, and lemon tree in greenhouses. Where can I get the things like greenhouses from also. I'd also like vegetables and things. How much will all of this cost and how much money can I make a year from this business. There would also have to be like a water pond and a system to water all of the plants. Now I'd probably only want to use about 50 of the acres, maybe 75 alltogether of the 100

How to start a garden nursery and fruit tree orchard?
There are several wholesale nurseries out here in CA, like Monrovia, who can supply you. Check out where your local nurseries are getting their plants from. Home Depot gets many of their plants from Monrovia and Lowes has Jackson Perkins as their supplier. You are going to have to cost out which supplier is cheapest for the types of plant material you want. As for water and electricity, you will have to consult your local utility supplier to determine rates. You probably can build your own greenhouse, but you will have to cost out supplies to do so.
Reply:How much you make depends on what you know, and what you can sell. Many nurserymen produce large quantities of plants and flowers, for home and garden WITHOUT `buying in`. Obviously a knowledge of cultivation for a wide range of products is desirable. You will need to know your soil,climate, and customer base well. Good suppliers for plant material are essential, as is knowing your market, having good variety, and supplying knowledgeable advice. If you can specialize in a range of plants/trees/products, so much the better. Greenhouses can cost BIG, but are essential for houseplants, tender plants, and coffee shop ! You should `spy` on the BEST nursery you know - then do better !
Reply:Contact your region's Nursery %26amp; Landscaper's Association. I'm not sure what the organization's exact name is in your area, but here in Texas it's simply the TNLA: Texas Nursery %26amp; Landscaper's Association. There should be one for your area. There you can find the answers for all the questions you have.
Reply:20,000 an acre? Way too much.

ice skates

What should I wear to a christening? (I will be a godmother)?

Help! I haven't been to church since I was a child and have no idea what kind of things people wear nowadays, I know it's usually wedding like clothes but is it usually a bit more toned down for a christening?

I have a beautiful wedding type dress that i've been waiting for an occasion to wear but it's bright pink with tropical flowers on it! (it's not as scary as it sounds!), do you think this would be too much?

Also, I'm only 22 so wouldn't feel comfortable in the usual formal suits or whatever people wear.

Any suggestions or tips appreciated x

What should I wear to a christening? (I will be a godmother)?
Well hello there!

You can wear pretty much whatever you want. It's the child that has to dress up in christening attire. Just make sure its not sweats etc. lol. The dress you explained would be just fine.

If you want to make sure, ask the parents of the event. But usually it's just the child that has to wear specialty things.

With love to you through Jesus Christ our savior,

Reply:Com'on....what kind of era do you live?you talk like we christian are some kind of alien....that dress is well perfect, unless you will go to a very restricted old fashion church.but i'd like to tell you most churches are not like that anymore.The church i go you can dress anything as long as you don't show up like going to a night club of course!
Reply:Hi, just wear whatever you feel comfortable in. I had to go to church last week with my daughter for school, some people were even wearing jeans. A Christening is a special time, with lots of photos and family, wear your dress, it sounds nice. Have a special day and enjoy being a god parent.x
Reply:Limbo worthy spandex
Reply:you should have been going to have to set a good example for godchild.were something nice.
Reply:I would wear a nice yellow or green dress with a tiny print. You don't want anything that is loud and will take away from the parents or baby. (Something you'd wear to a wedding.)

I am adding this link due to coffeepots answer:

I hope it answers some of your questions as to what role a godmother has. I wish you well and good job being picked for being the god mother of this child.
Reply:Depending on the parents that dress sounds fine as its a celebration not a sad time if you are really unsure as the parents because the last thing they want is for the day to be marred so they sould be more than happy to help you decide and they can also look at the dress also at least you wont clash with the mother

Having read some of the other answers I feel I need to add that it's ot about going to church its about living your life by christian values and holding them sacred
Reply:The dress you describe sounds perfect. It's a happy occasion, you're young, and you should be yourself, three good reasons to wear it.
Reply:Just wear something nice, it's summer, so a summer dress, open toe shoes (not flip flops, maybe nice sandals). I just came back from a Christening today... don't wear red or black...just in case. depending on how conservative the ceremony is, maybe wear something to cover your shoulders if the dress exposes your shoulders, back and arms: like a groovy shawl or scarf or light petite jacket that you can take off later.

a wedding type dress??? is it a casual, cotton kind of bright pink dress?? or is it a bride maid's dress?
Reply:That dress sounds lovely, wear it =] Most churches nowadays really couldnt care less what you wear (within reason obv. lol)

Congratulations on being chosen as god-mother by the way!!

God bless
Reply:if your batezoid then you go naked i think, or is that when you get married?
Reply:what about a nice pair of dark washed jeans , one dressy shirt and a nice jacket(suit) one a pair of heels
Reply:Whatever you would wear to a job interview will be just fine.

God bless you!
Reply:If you have not been to church since you were a child....for what reason would they pick you to be a God mother??

age 22, how much of the Bible do you know that you can share with the child? A Godmother is a spiritual/ faith teacher along with the parents teaching the child......
Reply:satan outfit, that will rattle em

What type of vegetation is this ? (eg. tropical rainforest..)?


- has big red flower with white spots on petals

-its leaves rain green throughout the year and have drip tips

-tall and has buttress roots that you may have to climb over


-only the trunk and branches remain in the colder months

-leaves change colour during different times of the year

-bears fruit that are in many different colours


has seeds with strong shells

its root may be 50m deep or more

leaves grow only when it rain


-grows quickly to 3 to 4m after the rain but becomes strawlike and dies during the dry season, leaving only the roots

-has small bright yellow flowers

-often grows in thick clumps

What type of vegetation is this ? (eg. tropical rainforest..)?
I Think it's the Raflessia Arnoldi, the biggest flower in the world. It has big red flower with white spots yes. Other characteristics is not well known to me, I never observed a Raflessia Arnoldi before also.

Anyone have any ideas for me for a beach/surf themed tattoo?

Grew up in Huntington beach, CA and have surfed and plan on surfing my whole life. looking for a cool beach/ surf idea for a tat. It might include waves, tropical flowers, surfboards, seagulls, sun, etc. I just dont have a composition together that would include all that. i'd prefer an emphasis on the waves and surfboards/surfer. any ideas/photos/art/suggestions are appreciated

Anyone have any ideas for me for a beach/surf themed tattoo?
well i dont kno how big u would want it or where exactly....but murals are always good for ideas like this.....i dont kno if u've ever seen like the japanese type of tattoos wit like the koi fish and waves? i think those style waves could be good if u want emphasis on them and u can pretty much add from there.....i googled beach tattoos and a WHOLE LOT of different ideas and tattoos people had....the idea i liked the best, personally was that a man too some scenery off of his actual surfboard and got a sleeve done....if u had anything u could pull from, such as a surfboard that would make ur tattoo that much better....hopefully i helped a lil good luck!
Reply:I just found this a while ago and thought it was really awesome.

Very crowded and busy, I know, but with the right amount of color and a better composition.. it could be great! Great for an arm / back tattoo. Includes the waves, flowers, tropical fish, even a tiki man and a mermaid. Hope it helps, or at least helps you get some ideas!